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91-La communauté des dés - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Patrick aka "capitaine_caverne"FAthis-MonsACE squadronGalactic Empire469
2.2.p2David aka "Eijo"FBelleville Sur LoireLa 58ème LègionScum and Villainy452
3.3.p3Romain aka "TYR-"FArpajonACE SquadronResistance399
4.4.Célian aka "Shadow_Freddy"FLa Charite Sur LoireLa 58ème LègionRebel Alliance438
5.5.Christophe aka "Longshot58"FLongjumeauACE SquadronGalactic Republic430
6.6.Frédéric aka "Pian76"FArpajonACE SquadronSeparatist Alliance388
7.7.Xavier aka "Moatib666"FLa Charite Sur LoireLa 58ème LègionResistance344
8.8.Fred aka "TaketheBlack"FPuiseauxACE SquadronResistance456
9.9.Philippe aka "Chuck-Yeags"FPalaiseauACE SquadronScum and Villainy332
10.10.Guillaume aka "Capitaine_endor"FSury-Près-LéréLa 58ème LègionFirst Order292
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.ACE Squadron (6)412.33
2.La 58ème Lègion (4)381.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Arpajon (2)393.50
2.La Charite Sur Loire (2)391.00

Army Results:

1.Galactic Empire (1)469.00
2.Rebel Alliance (1)438.00
3.Galactic Republic (1)430.00
4.Resistance (3)399.67
5.Scum and Villainy (2)392.00
6.Separatist Alliance (1)388.00
7.First Order (1)292.00
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