No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
1. | Markus aka "Leptys18" | Hamburg | 2 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
2. | Michael aka "Finox" | Schenefeld | 118 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
3. | Dustyn aka "Grrum" | Tornesch | 22 | The Dead of Dunharrow | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
4. | Fabian aka "Fabi94" | Hamburg | 30 | The Wizards | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
5. | Tim aka "TimBombadil" | Vellmar | 7 | The Wanderers in the Wild | Teutoburger Ents | yes | no |
6. | Jascha aka "Hrutur" | Hamburg | 23 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
7. | Andreas aka "Argontitan" | Lindwedel | 25 | The Wizards | Teutoburger Ents | yes | no |
8. | Hauke aka "JayCop" | Kiel | 20 | Garrison of Dale | TTC Kiel | yes | no |
9. | Frederic aka "Zikloph" | Frankfurt a.M. | 457 | The Fiefdoms | FFM | yes | no |
10. | Robin aka "Hard2play431" | Frankfurt am Main | 270 | Angmar | Ffm | yes | no |
11. | Alexander aka "DHDR" | Stade | 66 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
12. | Marcel aka "MarEgg95" | Bremen | 197 | Angmar | Bremer Bündnis | yes | no |
13. | Till aka "Tharnivas" | Hamburg | 116 | The Fellowship | Südviertel-Mafia | yes | no |
14. | Luca aka "Ligma" | Emden | 16 | Angmar | Teutoburger Ents | yes | no |
15. | Dennis aka "Zerc" | Berlin | 99 | The Easterlings | G.I.M.P. e.V. | yes | no |
16. | Lasse aka "Das_Vieh" | Hamburg | 129 | Erebor | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
17. | Marten Tarek aka "legofant" | Eldingen | 433 | Isengard | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
18. | Enrico aka "Khilad" | Hamburg | 59 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
19. | Tobias aka "cody9129" | Hamburg | 309 | Rohan | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
20. | Constantin aka "Tolkien" | Hamburg | 93 | The Wanderers in the Wild | Gummibeornbande | yes | no |
21. | Arno aka "ArnoKR" | Bielefeld | 3 | The Shire | Teutoburger Ents | yes | no |
22. | Romy aka "romrold" | Bielefeld | 95 | The Wanderers in the Wild | Teutoburger Ents | yes | no |
23. | Alexander aka "Rudini" | Bielefeld | 21 | Thranduil's Hall | Teutoburger Ents | yes | no |
24. | Lasse aka "Lasse_97_123" | Hamburg | 24 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
25. | Edu aka "Emc2" | Hamburg | 256 | Moria | | yes | no |
26. | Ernesto aka "ayu" | Hamburg | 5 | Minas Tirith | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
27. | Gabriel aka "Ecthelion_" | Frankfurt am Main | 213 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | FrankfurterMeloni | yes | no |
28. | Mirko aka "Jiichu" | Ritterhude | 125 | Garrison of Dale | Bremer Bündnis | yes | no |
29. | Johannes aka "Mondil" | Güstrow | 101 | Minas Tirith | | yes | no |
30. | Dean aka "Druk" | Berlin | 188 | Guardians of the Carrock | G.I.M.P. e.V. | yes | no |
31. | Tom aka "pippin26" | Greifswald | 1 | The Shire | Gummibeornbande | yes | no |
32. | Byron aka "Grueno" | Norderstedt | 12 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
33. | Dennis aka "Smythy" | Berlin | 152 | The Wizards | G.I.M.P. e.V. | yes | no |
34. | Janosch aka "LittleJohn1001" | Kiel | 91 | Desolator of the North | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
35. | Nono aka "Nohirrim" | Hamburg | 146 | The Dead of Dunharrow | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
36. | Jakob aka "JTech" | Hamburg | 311 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
37. | Dominik aka "THE_DOME" | Hamburg | 89 | The Wanderers in the Wild | Mittelerde Masters | yes | no |
38. | Flo aka "Flobradil" | Berlin | 98 | The Wizards | MESBG Mäuse | yes | no |
39. | Ove aka "MapleSyrup" | Hamburg | 308 | The Wizards | Südviertel-Mafia | yes | no |
40. | Alex aka "Alex_12" | Estorf | 533 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
41. | Simon aka "Schimonius" | Hamburg | 374 | Minas Tirith | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
42. | Nabil aka "Herobrand" | Hamburg | 377 | Minas Tirith | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
43. | Tarik aka "Terrorkiks" | Elmshorn | 564 | Angmar | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
44. | Henrik aka "Shidoric" | Garstedt | 88 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Tabletop Nord e.V. | yes | no |
Waiting Queue |
45. | Marco aka "Goboon" | Osteel | 160 | Moria | OTV | yes | no |
46. | Conrad aka "Shaconan" | Leipzig | 109 | Minas Tirith | | yes | no |
47. | Paul aka "Glamu" | Berlin | 517 | Durin's Folk | MESBG Mäuse | yes | no |
48. | Pascal aka "iou" | Berlin | 61 | The Nazgûl | MESBG Mäuse | yes | no |
49. | Johann aka "johannb" | Berlin | 181 | The Wizards | | yes | no |
50. | Marc aka "MStonebreaker" | Rieseby | - | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | | yes | no |
51. | Lars aka "Looland" | Hamburg | 475 | The Dead of Dunharrow | Südviertel-Mafia | yes | no |
52. | Lars aka "Ugi" | Lingen | 78 | The Grey Company | Osnagiliath | yes | no |
53. | Rudolf aka "ronshouse" | Groß Hesepe | 141 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Osnagiliath | yes | no |
54. | Timm aka "Youngcesar" | Frankfurt | 326 | The Shire | FrankfurterMeloni | yes | no |
55. | Gregor aka "Sturmprophet" | Neustrelitz | 29 | The Fiefdoms | | yes | no |
56. | Fabian Kevin aka "Fabian01" | Erfurt | - | Angmar | FrankfurterMeloni | yes | no |
57. | Marvin aka "Elgrafi" | Pfedelbach | 8 | Moria | Die Gefährten des Niederrheins | yes | no |
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet |
58. | Antonio aka "HYBERIAS" | Essen | 4 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Helden des Westens | no | no |
59. | Moritz aka "iMBalin" | Kiel | 150 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | TTC Kiel | no | no |
60. | Malte aka "MJson" | Lübeck | 241 | Rohan | | no | no |
61. | Ferdinand aka "Bob_Der_Troll" | München | 356 | Desolator of the North | Stickstoffboyz | no | no |