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2. AOS Turnier der Tabletop Knights - List of Participants

1. Björn aka "Bjoernm"DLandshut1062Sylvanethyes
2. Florian aka "Jumior"AMining463Slaves to DarknessTabletop Knightsyes
3. (anonym)-Slaves to Darknessyes
4. Daniel aka "Gobo"DNeuötting386SkavenTabletop Knightsyes
5. André aka "Buttermilch"DMünchen1476Grand Alliance Orderyes
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6. Michael aka "Mitru_the_Hunter"DMünchen183Disciples of TzeentchHammer und Schild e.V.no
7. Erik aka "Kalestu"DUnterschleißheim25Grand Alliance OrderHammer und Schild e.V.no
8. Florian aka "NunGut"DMünchen-Stormcast Eternalsno
9. Patrick aka "Jukespot"DMünchen930Grand Alliance Orderno
10. Christian aka "CraccStar"AHofkirchen im Traunkreis-Ossiarch BonereapersBeer and Dice Associationno
11. Michael aka "Oeschi"ASeekirchen-Stormcast EternalsBeer and Dice Associationno
12. Christoph aka "Maier666"ANeuhofen an der Krems-Beasts of ChaosBeer and Dice Associationno
13. Stefan aka "Captainstefan"AAngerberg124Kharadron OverlordsDice of Steelno
14. Markus aka "Bloodcocktail"ADietach-Orruk WarclansBeer and Dice Associationno
15. Helmut aka "Shorty32"APucking-Gloomspite GitzBeer and Dice Associationno
16. Florian aka "Krawi"AHargelsberg-Cities of SigmarBeer and Dice Associationno
17. Christopher aka "Bleydschi"ADietachdorf-Grand Alliance DestructionBeer and Dice Associationno
18. Bernhard aka "HeldenhammerderII"AHargelsberg-Grand Alliance OrderBeer and Dice Associationno
19. Martin aka "Djinnsu"AAngerberg259Sons of BehematDice of Steelno

Distribution of Armies
Slaves to Darkness:2
Grand Alliance Order:1
Distribution of Origins
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