No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
1. | Ronny aka "DFTBA" | Begijnendijk | 62 | Space Wolves | Sun's Out Guns Out | yes | 1 |
2. | Wim aka "Thrungrom" | Mechelen | 93 | Tyranids | Sun's Out Guns Out | yes | 1 |
3. | Kevin aka "Warsmith" | Willebroek | 133 | Chaos Space Marines | Meta this, Meta that. Why don't you meta a girl? | yes | 1 |
4. | Nick aka "NUNK" | Leest | 155 | Astra Militarum | Meta this, Meta that. Why don't you meta a girl? | yes | 1 |
5. | Tom aka "Switch" | Mechelen | 159 | Dark Angels | Dynasty of Angels | yes | 1 |
6. | Jonathan aka "Ahri" | Hever | 161 | Necrons | Dynasty of Angels | yes | 1 |
7. | Cristian aka "Como" | Bruxelles | 288 | T'au Empire | Mobile Suit Nundams | yes | 1 |
8. | Nicolas aka "tec-goblin" | Ixelles | 288 | Adepta Sororitas | Mobile Suit Nundams | yes | 1 |
9. | Gert aka "Eisenhorner" | Leopoldsburg | 222 | Space Wolves | Brothers in Arms 1 | yes | 1 |
10. | Wim aka "wimm0r" | Turnhout | 241 | Tyranids | Brothers in Arms 1 | yes | 1 |
11. | Jordy aka "Lucifer2666" | Paal | 415 | Thousand Sons | Brothers in Arms 2 | yes | 1 |
12. | Dries T. | Leopoldsburg | - | Adeptus Custodes | Brothers in Arms 2 | yes | 1 |
13. | Nico aka "Shlaba" | Mechelen | 63 | World Eaters | Chaosfied Fishies | yes | 1 |
14. | Tuur aka "Tuur" | Boortmeerbeek | - | T'au Empire | Chaosfied Fishies | yes | 1 |
15. | Leif Claes aka "Classe" | Berlaar | 78 | Drukhari | Miniature Mad Men | yes | 1 |
16. | Erik aka "RsQ" | Kampenhout | 242 | Death Guard | Miniature Mad Men | yes | 1 |
17. | Glenn aka "Riku" | Rillaar | 37 | Space Marines | Iron Devourers | yes | 1 |
18. | Nicolas aka "Hive-Tyrant" | Geel | 26 | Tyranids | Iron Devourers | yes | 1 |
19. | Arne aka "ArneDuez" | Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver | 151 | Adeptus Custodes | Kevin & Arne | yes | 1 |
20. | Kevin aka "Resolate" | Putte | 126 | Dark Angels | Kevin & Arne | yes | 1 |
21. | Nick aka "Nickotin" | Sint-Amands | 236 | Thousand Sons | Helldivers | yes | 1 |
22. | Roel aka "D4XI4N" | Bornem | 251 | Drukhari | Helldivers | yes | 1 |
23. | Vincent aka "Swartz" | Lier | 23 | Astra Militarum | Toughness 3 is genoeg | yes | 1 |
24. | Mitch aka "draga8" | Lier | 9 | Eldar | Toughness 3 is genoeg | yes | 1 |
25. | Steven aka "Antaios" | Stabroek | 59 | Necrons | Necro guard | yes | 1 |
26. | Sven aka "svennh" | Mortsel | 255 | Astra Militarum | Necro guard | yes | 1 |
27. | Matthias aka "betonblokje" | Mopertingen | 11 | T'au Empire | Dat vul ik later wel in, dat komt wel goed | yes | 1 |
28. | Thomas aka "LandsKnecht" | Sittard | 20 | Chaos Daemons | Dat vul ik later wel in, dat komt wel goed | yes | 1 |
29. | (anonym) | | - | Space Marines | West Vlaamse potten & pannen | yes | 1 |
30. | Jens aka "Djensen" | Kuurne | 306 | Chaos Knights | West Vlaamse potten & pannen | yes | 1 |
31. | Gianni aka "Infamous" | Gent | 19 | Drukhari | Toughnes 3 for life | yes | 1 |
32. | Jarno aka "Sideman" | Gent | 10 | Grey Knights | Toughnes 3 for life | yes | 1 |
33. | Quinn D. | Mechelen | - | Necrons | The galactic vengers | yes | 1 |
34. | Victor aka "Gino_Jr" | Herentals | 361 | Dark Angels | The galactic vengers | yes | 1 |
35. | Wout-Rutger aka "Rutger-WT" | Leuven | 70 | Genestealer Cults | The Rusted Fangs | yes | 1 |
36. | Jan aka "HolleBolleJan" | Aarschot | 17 | Space Wolves | The Rusted Fangs | yes | 1 |
37. | (anonym) | | - | Leagues of Votann | Kristof en Jasper | yes | 1 |
38. | Kristof aka "Flambi" | Diest | 189 | Space Marines | Kristof en Jasper | yes | 1 |
39. | Tim aka "yowsaman" | Schoten | 35 | Chaos Daemons | WAAC | yes | 1 |
40. | Nick aka "Oswald" | Merksem (Antwerpen) | - | Grey Knights | WAAC | yes | 1 |
List of teams
No. | Name | Members |
1 | Sun's Out Guns Out | DFTBA, Thrungrom |
2 | Kristof en Jasper | (anonym), Flambi |
3 | Dat vul ik later wel in, dat komt wel goed | betonblokje, LandsKnecht |
4 | Helldivers | Nickotin, D4XI4N |
5 | Toughness 3 is genoeg | Swartz, draga8 |
6 | Kevin & Arne | ArneDuez, Resolate |
7 | Brothers in Arms 1 | Eisenhorner, wimm0r |
8 | Brothers in Arms 2 | Lucifer2666, Dries T. |
9 | Toughnes 3 for life | Infamous, Sideman |
10 | Chaosfied Fishies | Shlaba, Tuur |
11 | Meta this, Meta that. Why don't you meta a girl? | Warsmith, NUNK |
12 | Dynasty of Angels | Switch, Ahri |
13 | WAAC | yowsaman, Oswald |
14 | The galactic vengers | Quinn D., Gino_Jr |
15 | Iron Devourers | Riku, Hive-Tyrant |
16 | Mobile Suit Nundams | Como, tec-goblin |
17 | Miniature Mad Men | Classe, RsQ |
18 | Necro guard | Antaios, svennh |
19 | The Rusted Fangs | Rutger-WT, HolleBolleJan |
20 | West Vlaamse potten & pannen | (anonym), Djensen |
Distribution of Armies |
Astra Militarum: | 3 |
Dark Angels: | 3 |
Drukhari: | 3 |
Necrons: | 3 |
Space Marines: | 3 |
Space Wolves: | 3 |
T'au Empire: | 3 |
Tyranids: | 3 |
Adeptus Custodes: | 2 |
Chaos Daemons: | 2 |
Grey Knights: | 2 |
Thousand Sons: | 2 |
Adepta Sororitas: | 1 |
Chaos Knights: | 1 |
Chaos Space Marines: | 1 |
Death Guard: | 1 |
Eldar: | 1 |
Genestealer Cults: | 1 |
Leagues of Votann: | 1 |
World Eaters: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Mechelen: | 4 |
Gent: | 2 |
Leopoldsburg: | 2 |
Lier: | 2 |
Aarschot: | 1 |
Begijnendijk: | 1 |
Berlaar: | 1 |
Boortmeerbeek: | 1 |
Bornem: | 1 |
Bruxelles: | 1 |
Diest: | 1 |
Geel: | 1 |
Herentals: | 1 |
Hever: | 1 |
Ixelles: | 1 |
Kampenhout: | 1 |
Kuurne: | 1 |
Leest: | 1 |
Leuven: | 1 |
Merksem (Antwerpen): | 1 |
Mopertingen: | 1 |
Mortsel: | 1 |
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver: | 1 |
Paal: | 1 |
Putte: | 1 |
Rillaar: | 1 |
Schoten: | 1 |
Sint-Amands: | 1 |
Sittard: | 1 |
Stabroek: | 1 |
Turnhout: | 1 |
Willebroek: | 1 |