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Gaming Clubs - Jenaer Akadmeiker

Club Details
Name: Jenaer Akadmeiker
Contact: BarnieGrollheimer (Contact)
Meeting Place: Jena
Address: Höherer Bildungsweg 6
07747 Jena
Description: Von Age of Sigmar in die Welt von 40k gespült, versammeln sich hier die alten Fluffbunnies, um auch in der Zukunft die Welt ins Chaos zu stürzen.

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MembersTabletopsClub PlacementsTournaments
0. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the W40K-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the T9A-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the W40K-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the T9A-clubranking of DGermany

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