Beschreibung: Tournoi FoW - late war 100 pts, DUO Team, Blue vs Red, 5 games in one of the best place in Switzerland. Near the Lake, fantastic place to play, Easy to join the tournament by plane and train as Morges is 35 min from geneva, and the tournament place is 6 min walk from the train station. Parking is available as well right at the venu. The price include the food at the tournament
Spielsystem:Flames of War (FoW) - Teamturnier Teamgröße: 2 Spieler je Team Start: 02.09.23 - 08:00 Uhr Ende: 03.09.23 - 17:30 Uhr Startplätze: 48 Startgebühr:60€ Veranstaltungsort:
Théatre de Beausobre
Av. de Vertou 2 1110Morges Schweiz
Auslastung: 25%
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