Nr. |
Platz |
Name |
Herkunft |
Team |
Armee |
Total |
1. | 1. | Bernard aka "Fendulac" | Chevillon Sur Huillard | Bashmasters | League of Rhordia | 90 |
2. | 2. | Paul aka "Buchos" | Tressin | les Halflings | Elves | 82 |
3. | 3. | Emmanuel aka "legrandmanu" | Blainville Crevon | | Ratkin | 80 |
4. | 4. | Vincent aka "Julo62" | Hénin-Beaumont | les Halflings | Kingdoms of Men | 74 |
5. | 5. | Yohann aka "touba" | Poilly lez Gien | Papy Burger | Abyssal Dwarfs | 74 |
6. | 6. | Rachid aka "Le_Cul_de_Jatte" | Les drouillards des bois | l'equipe qui defouraille | League of Rhordia | 68 |
7. | 7. | Olivier aka "Orckel" | Lille | les Halflings | Orcs | 65 |
8. | 8. | Kevin aka "Ketep" | Aureil | Magisteres Lemovices Forbannis | Undead | 64 |
9. | 9. | Paco aka "Iblis" | Saint Omer | les Halflings | Abyssal Dwarfs | 60 |
10. | 10. | Jean aka "Twerk" | Lille | les Halflings | Undead | 60 |
11. | 11. | Eric aka "Ancilla" | Outreau | Invité | Ogres | 59 |
12. | 12. | Aurélien aka "Syd" | Louviers | Univers 7 | Abyssal Dwarfs | 56 |
13. | 13. | Alban aka "walach" | Croix | aut agere aut mori | Trident Realms of Neritica | 55 |
14. | 14. | Lothaire aka "Eriahtol" | Hellemmes | les Halflings | Elves | 54 |
15. | 15. | Julien aka "Poliorcetic" | Gaillon | Hot&Bash | Elves | 50 |
16. | 16. | Kevin aka "Kiev" | Reims | Section Jeux Jamin | Varangur | 49 |
17. | 17. | Sylvain aka "sparnacum" | epernay | Section Jeux Jamin | League of Rhordia | 45 |
18. | 18. | Virgile aka "Jamedbol" | Rocroi | Le retour des gruiks ardents | Orcs | 30 |
Erklärung der benutzen Abkürzungen (nicht alle müssen auf das Turnier zutreffen): AB=Armeebewertung, BP=Bemalpunkte, FP=Fairplaypunkte, QP=Quizpunkte, SP=Sonstige Punkte |
Teamwertung (mind. 2 Spieler):
Platz | Team | Punkte |
1. | les Halflings (6) | 65.83 |
2. | Section Jeux Jamin (2) | 47.00 |
Ortswertung (mind. 2 Spieler):
Platz | Herkunft | Punkte |
1. | Lille (2) | 62.50 |
Platz | Armee | Punkte |
1. | Ratkin (1) | 80.00 |
2. | Kingdoms of Men (1) | 74.00 |
3. | League of Rhordia (3) | 67.67 |
4. | Abyssal Dwarfs (3) | 63.33 |
5. | Elves (3) | 62.00 |
6. | Undead (2) | 62.00 |
7. | Ogres (1) | 59.00 |
8. | Trident Realms of Neritica (1) | 55.00 |
9. | Varangur (1) | 49.00 |
10. | Orcs (2) | 47.50 |