Nr. |
Platz |
Name |
Herkunft |
Armee |
Total |
1. | 1. | R.E.D. | 6 |
| | Robin aka "Robby_The_Kid" | Koblenz | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Dominik aka "bounce" | Burgwedel | The Skorne | 0 |
| | Benjamin aka "KommanderKhadan" | Essen | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
2. | 2. | Abra Rakaba | 5 |
| | Lenny aka "Potter" | Wedel | Minions | 0 |
| | Benjamin aka "katarrah" | Scheeßel | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
| | Florian aka "Rabe" | Düsseldorf | Cryx | 0 |
3. | 3. | Northern Wildlings | 5 |
| | Robin aka "Linkatit" | Umeå | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Filip aka "zinken" | Umea | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
| | Johan aka "Rorin" | Umeå | The Skorne | 0 |
4. | 4. | Kritisch Daneben | 5 |
| | Frontkommandeur aka "Aufs_Maul" | Bremen | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Henning aka "Luchs" | Bremen | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
| | Bastian aka "ElBlindo" | Bremen | Minions | 0 |
5. | 5. | Kommander Wurschtbrot 2.0 | 5 |
| | Andreas aka "Doenermann" | Auf deiner Mutter | Grymkin | 0 |
| | Moritz aka "Moe-Joe" | München | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
| | Moritz aka "Last-Knight" | Iron Islands | Cryx | 0 |
6. | 6. | geMAINZam | 4 |
| | Bernhard aka "bnf" | Heidelberg | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
| | (anonym) | | Khador | 0 |
| | Christopher aka "Greif" | Mainz | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
7. | 7. | My little porny | 4 |
| | Andreas aka "Pagan" | Passau | Convergence of Cyriss | 0 |
| | Lukas aka "Rainbow_Dash" | Salzburg | The Skorne | 0 |
| | Daniel aka "Just_dan" | Wien | Cygnar | 0 |
8. | 8. | Gammel, træt, tørstig | 4 |
| | Kasper aka "Pino" | Egå | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
| | Søren J. | Horsens | Trollblood | 0 |
| | Sascha aka "Sascha" | Düsseldorf | Cryx | 0 |
9. | 9. | Old men yelling at dice | 4 |
| | Frank aka "Rufus" | Düsseldorf | Cygnar | 0 |
| | (anonym) | | Cryx | 0 |
| | Bartholomäus aka "Bar-Tank" | Düsseldorf | Khador | 0 |
10. | 10. | | 4 |
| | Gerrit aka "Kriegsspiele" | Münster | Khador | 0 |
| | Alexander aka "Jetelu" | Münster | Mercenaries | 0 |
| | Immo aka "TheBlackSEED" | Dresden | Cryx | 0 |
11. | 11. | Team Karlsruhe | 4 |
| | Tobias aka "Zeus-" | Ettlingen | The Skorne | 0 |
| | Andreas aka "Raskild" | Karlsruhe | Cryx | 0 |
| | Wolfgang aka "Unterzahl" | Stutensee | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
12. | 12. | Geclockt, geboxt und dumm | 4 |
| | Julian aka "Saviour" | Freising | Mercenaries | 0 |
| | Martin aka "Prometheus" | München | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
| | Alexander aka "Tigerkralle" | Feldkirchen | Cryx | 0 |
13. | 13. | Diced Cocks | 4 |
| | (anonym) | | Mercenaries | 0 |
| | Gui aka "swordfish" | Hamburg | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Jan aka "Gwydion" | Hamburg | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
14. | 14. | 48" advanced deployment | 3 |
| | Das Bin aka "Ze_German" | Erfurt | Cryx | 0 |
| | (anonym) | | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
| | Christoph aka "ZaZ" | Landau in der Pfalz | Cygnar | 0 |
15. | 15. | Try and Error | 3 |
| | Hab Ich aka "AllinonTrolls" | Berlin | Trollblood | 0 |
| | Sven aka "Skathrex" | Berlin | Khador | 0 |
| | Kevin aka "Nox" | Berlin | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
16. | 16. | Ich bin draufgefallen... ehrlich! | 3 |
| | David aka "AdmiralNelson" | Berlin | Khador | 0 |
| | Tom aka "Gorkul" | Berlin | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
| | (anonym) | | The Skorne | 0 |
17. | 17. | Khaleyx vicit | 3 |
| | Benjamin aka "everythingistrue" | Kolbermoor | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
| | Andreas aka "Arydien" | Stephanskirchen | Khador | 0 |
| | Martin aka "Tairache" | Rosenheim | Cryx | 0 |
18. | 18. | TKM - Two Drunks one Cap | 3 |
| | Enno aka "Sauklaue" | Esslingen am Neckar | Convergence of Cyriss | 0 |
| | Harald aka "ikildkenny" | Stuttgart | Mercenaries | 0 |
| | Dirk aka "Totenkopfmann" | Ludwigsburg | Khador | 0 |
19. | 19. | Bearka und 5 richtige Warnouns | 3 |
| | Philipp aka "HeldDerWelt" | Bonn | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
| | Sebastian aka "Attila" | Köln | Trollblood | 0 |
| | Martin aka "Cidster" | Bonn | The Skorne | 0 |
20. | 20. | Darmstädter Püppchenschubser | 3 |
| | Alexander aka "von_Rheinland" | Darmstadt | Khador | 0 |
| | Christian aka "Luebbi" | Weiterstadt | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Erik aka "Neitzel" | Hainburg | Cryx | 0 |
21. | 21. | Bad Influence | 3 |
| | Jens aka "freakenstein" | Bielefeld | Cryx | 0 |
| | Daniel aka "Schelle" | Bielefeld | The Skorne | 0 |
| | Marco aka "Rhamiel" | Bielefeld | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
22. | 22. | warKHaspers | 3 |
| | Christian aka "waffls" | Lampertheim | Minions | 0 |
| | Janos aka "Cryxnoob" | Bad Kreuznach | Cryx | 0 |
| | Markus aka "Sadmodai" | Bad Kreuznach | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
23. | 23. | Team Fabulous!! | 3 |
| | Sven aka "Bex" |  | Minions | 0 |
| | Klaas aka "Klaw" | leopoldsburg | Convergence of Cyriss | 0 |
| | Christoph aka "thekeeper" | Antwerpen | The Skorne | 0 |
24. | 24. | XYZ | 3 |
| | Martin aka "McFly" | Kassel | Khador | 0 |
| | Steffen aka "White_Templer" | Erfurt | Trollblood | 0 |
| | Nikos aka "DeadRabbit" | Kassel | Cygnar | 0 |
25. | 25. | Germany Purple - Maultaschen und Bausparvertrag | 3 |
| | Jakob aka "Seetroll" | Konstanz | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Andreas aka "Andue" | Heidelberg | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
| | Enes aka "Cryxus" | Tuttlingen | Cryx | 0 |
26. | 26. | PadF - Ob du getindert bist hab ich dich gefragt | 3 |
| | Marvin aka "DeMaaav" | Lünen | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
| | Tobias aka "Gekkota" | Lünen | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
| | Sebastian aka "Travin" | Oppenweiler | The Skorne | 0 |
27. | 27. | Hot Senior Club | 3 |
| | (anonym) | | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
| | Magnus aka "enTe" | Singen | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Leif aka "Snowmelter" | Berlin | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
28. | 28. | Wie schaut's, sind wir ein Team? | 3 |
| | Samir aka "Ronan" | Düsseldorf | Khador | 0 |
| | Axel aka "Wumpi" | Gelsenkirchen | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
| | Björn aka "Hold" | Essen | Cygnar | 0 |
29. | 29. | Statistik für Anfänger | 3 |
| | Daniel aka "Karlek" | Gottmadingen | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Martin aka "Lanfear" | Worms | Cryx | 0 |
| | Patrick aka "Patrick82" | Köln | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
30. | 30. | Können auch Bier spielen ohne WM/H zu trinken | 2 |
| | Michael aka "Sorocco" | Bochum | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
| | Christoph aka "Buzzard" | Gelsenkirchen | Trollblood | 0 |
| | Alexander aka "Caligari" | Bochum | Grymkin | 0 |
31. | 31. | Leider Geil | 2 |
| | Sebastian aka "WESD" | Dortmund | Grymkin | 0 |
| | Valentin aka "Valcaro" | Dortmund | Khador | 0 |
| | Nathalie aka "LilaLauneShredder" | Krefeld | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
32. | 32. | Team Normal | 2 |
| | Johannes aka "JoJoBrunnix" | Mainz | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
| | Samuel aka "Monk" | Trier | The Skorne | 0 |
| | Thorsten aka "thrillsten" | Mainz | Cygnar | 0 |
33. | 33. | Alpha dogs | 2 |
| | Danny aka "Ddk" | Rotterdam | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Dave aka "Utilitycookie" | Rotterdam | Khador | 0 |
| | Sil aka "Wolfsworn" | Rotterdam | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
34. | 34. | Vom Winde verwirrt | 2 |
| | Lars aka "IronFire" | Duisburg | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Sebastian aka "Ghosti" | Velbert | Khador | 0 |
| | Torben aka "Donnerbaer" | Mülheim | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
35. | 35. | Stronghold underdogs | 2 |
| | Sascha aka "oger" | Calw- Althengstett | Minions | 0 |
| | Henrik aka "Parzival" | Kornwestheim | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
| | Martina aka "Bazinga" | Karlsruhe | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
36. | 36. | Es macht halt nicht bääm | 2 |
| | Falko aka "faehrmann" | Duesseldorf | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
| | Christian aka "Easy" | Düsseldorf | Convergence of Cyriss | 0 |
| | Adrian aka "Safetyguy" | Duisburg | Minions | 0 |
37. | 37. | Trinksportgruppe | 2 |
| | Aloys aka "Pt-ach" | Hörstel | The Skorne | 0 |
| | Bernd aka "cornh0lio" | Dülmen | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
| | Thomas aka "Theussner79" | Ochtrup | Cygnar | 0 |
38. | 38. | Ich mach das jetzt. Was soll schon passieren? | 1 |
| | Leif aka "Jabbaalot" | Lüneburg | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
| | Patrick aka "HH-Jester" | Hamburg | The Skorne | 0 |
| | Daniel aka "hansgdl" | Hamburg | Cryx | 0 |
39. | 39. | WarSeppels | 1 |
| | Florian aka "Tsunaj" | Niederhausen | Trollblood | 0 |
| | Mathias aka "Druide" | Hallgarten | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
| | Stephan aka "Haareschwenker" | Bad Kreuznach | Cryx | 0 |
40. | 40. | PadF | 1 |
| | Taylan aka "Banana_Joe" | Dortmund | Mercenaries | 0 |
| | Sascha aka "Cannonbal" | Schwerte | Khador | 0 |
| | Gerrit aka "Zhedor" | Dortmund | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
41. | 41. | Unter Ferner liefen 2 | 1 |
| | Daniel aka "elkantino" | Herne | The Skorne | 0 |
| | Kai aka "NoseBe4r" | Kempen | Cygnar | 0 |
| | Jan aka "Myrotin" | Duisburg | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
42. | 42. | Kritisch Daneben - Beauties & the Beast | 0 |
| | Chrissy aka "Welpenwuerger" | Bremen | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
| | Thomas aka "Ghostdog" | Frankfurt | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
| | Robin aka "DerRobbe" | Bremen | Trollblood | 0 |
Erklärung der benutzen Abkürzungen (nicht alle müssen auf das Turnier zutreffen): AB=Armeebewertung, BP=Bemalpunkte, FP=Fairplaypunkte, QP=Quizpunkte, SP=Sonstige Punkte |