The Crusade III (AoS) - Ruin and Destruction |
Beschreibung: Our next Age of Sigmar tournament. 2000 pts, 1v1, matched play rules. We provide the tables, you provide the fun.
"When the hillside becomes green, you better not get seen" - Hermit's advice on surviving his fourth WAAAGH!!
Organisator: The_Green_Knight_vzw (Kontakt)
Spielsystem: Warhammer Age of Sigmar (WAoS)
Start: 22.04.23 - 08:30 Uhr
Ende: 22.04.23 - 19:30 Uhr
Startplätze: 40
Startgebühr: 20 €
BruggeXaverianenstraat 38200 Sint-Michiels Belgien
Auslastung:  45% Hinweis: Das Turnier ist beendet.
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