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Würfelgötter Middle-Earth Osterturnier - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DJan aka "Skremir"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Eiersammler
DJanik aka "Janik_45"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
DRudolf aka "ronshouse"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Victory Points ACTotal
1.1.p1Janik aka "Janik_45"player-award-bestgeneralDSchermbeckTable Knights NiederrheinCirith Ungol77582
2.2.p2David aka "Heyoka"DHannoverHannover WürfelzwergeThe Wizards651580
3.3.p3Björn aka "TheColdblood"DWuppertalBergische WürfellöwenMordor581573
4.4.Tobias aka "Tobythebrush"DMonheim am RheinStickstoffboyzThe Wizards561571
5.5.Manuel aka "M-SB"DKorschenbroichBergische WürfellöwenThe White Council481563
6.6.Karsten aka "Harald_van_Horn"DGelsenkirchenWürfelgötterRohan58563
7.7.Antonio aka "HYBERIAS"DEssenHelden des WestensThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains441559
8.8.Kay aka "hakseng"DDüsseldorfBergische WürfellöwenDesolator of the North441559
9.9.Lars aka "Ugi"DLingenOsnagiliathThe Grey Company441559
10.10.Rudolf aka "ronshouse"player-award-bestpaintedDGroß HesepeOsnagiliathUmbar431558
11.11.Jan S.DWürfelgötter(unknown)431558
12.12.Björn aka "CaptainArkani"DKleveGarrison of Dale421557
13.13.Dominik aka "D-SB"DMönchengladbachMinas Tirith401555
14.14.Nono aka "Nohirrim"DHamburgTabletop Nord e.V.The Easterlings391554
15.15.Niklas aka "Sunfyre"DDüsseldorfBergische WürfellöwenThe Tower of Ecthelion391554
16.16.Christian aka "Raiden87"DGeorgsmarienhütteOsnagiliathAngmar371552
17.17.Jan aka "Skremir"player-award-specialDOberhausenToxic all-starsRohan361551
18.18.Miles Nicolai aka "TheGorgon"DWuppertalBergische WürfellöwenVariags of Khand41546
19.19.Mirco aka "MB891"DWaldeckOsnagiliathMordor301545
20.20.Chris aka "Quristian"DDüsseldorfBergische WürfellöwenDurin's Folk291544
21.21.Marc aka "Hobbit91"DWaltropHelden des WestensEregion241539
22.22.Jan aka "Cpt-Marine"DRecklinghausenHelden des WestensIsengard241539
23.23.Dominik aka "Emsi"DDorstenDie WürfelgötterThe Fellowship231538
24.24.Nick aka "TheOnlyAhlbach"DRatingenHratuga HrabansMinas Tirith231538
25.25.Kevin aka "Linkev"DBochumWürfelgötterThe Host of The Hammerhand121527
26.26.Tom aka "Zirael"DDüsseldorfBergische WürfellöwenMoria141024
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Osnagiliath (4)53.50
2.Bergische Würfellöwen (7)51.86
3.Würfelgötter (3)49.33
4.Helden des Westens (3)45.67

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Wuppertal (2)59.50
2.Düsseldorf (4)45.25

Army Results:

1.Cirith Ungol (1)82.00
2.The Wizards (2)75.50
3.The White Council (1)63.00
4.Mordor (2)59.00
5.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (1)59.00
6.The Grey Company (1)59.00
7.Desolator of the North (1)59.00
8.Umbar (1)58.00
9.unknown (1)58.00
10.Rohan (2)57.00
11.Garrison of Dale (1)57.00
12.The Easterlings (1)54.00
13.The Tower of Ecthelion (1)54.00
14.Angmar (1)52.00
15.Minas Tirith (2)46.50
16.Variags of Khand (1)46.00
17.Durin's Folk (1)44.00
18.Isengard (1)39.00
19.Eregion (1)39.00
20.The Fellowship (1)38.00
21.The Host of The Hammerhand (1)27.00
22.Moria (1)24.00
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