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Saturday Geek Fever, la revanche - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FBaptiste aka "Braxx"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Pierre-Hugues aka "Naktha"FLe RheuOrcs and Goblins0
2.2.p2Jean-Julien aka "JeanJu"FParisEmpire of Sonnstahl0
3.3.p3Christophe aka "Engra-Morte-Epee"FChampigny-sur-MarneDesquilesWarriors of the Dark Gods0
4.4.Yohann aka "touba"FPoilly lez GienPapy BurgerDaemon Legions0
5.5.Jorgen aka "Yoyo"FAntibesInfernal Dwarves0
6.6.Edouard aka "deder"FCachanmalakoff brotherOrcs and Goblins0
7.7.Emmanuel aka "Dalhin"FChamps-Sur-MarneAntre du dragonDwarven Holds0
8.8.Antoine aka "JAJA82"FparisEmpire of Sonnstahl0
9.9.Adrien aka "Arwyl"FParisFBJ a la maisonDaemon Legions0
10.10.Vincent aka "Macvin"FYerres / LyonWarriors of the Dark Gods0
11.11.Baptiste aka "Braxx"player-award-bestpaintedFVeneux-les-SablonsLes Résistants BattleWarriors of the Dark Gods0
12.12.Damien aka "DAGU"FParisInfernal Dwarves0
13.13.Guillaume aka "Skalf"FLyonDaemon Legions0
14.14.Alejandro aka "Karl_hoche"FAntibesInfernal Dwarves0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):


City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Antibes (2)0.00
2.Paris (4)0.00

Army Results:

1.Infernal Dwarves (3)0.00
2.Orcs and Goblins (2)0.00
3.Daemon Legions (3)0.00
4.Warriors of the Dark Gods (3)0.00
5.Empire of Sonnstahl (2)0.00
6.Dwarven Holds (1)0.00
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