Players' Awards
Single Player Results:
No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Team |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | Andreas aka "Andrasch" | Erfurt | Tabletopclub Erfurt .eV. | Mercenaries | 0 |
2. | 2. | Moritz aka "Moe-Joe" | München | Kommander Wurschtbrot | Cygnar | 0 |
3. | 3. | Moritz aka "Last-Knight" | Iron Islands | Kommander Wurschtbrot | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
4. | 4. | Peter aka "Horatio" | Leipzig | TTS Leipzig | Mercenaries | 0 |
5. | 5. | Thomas aka "Chevelle" | Freising | | Cygnar | 0 |
6. | 6. | Das Bin aka "Ze_German" | Erfurt | Tabletopclub Erfurt .eV. | Khador | 0 |
7. | 7. | Sebastian aka "Frobby" | Dresden | | Trollblood | 0 |
8. | 8. | Immo aka "TheBlackSEED" | Dresden | Angry Beasts | Cryx | 0 |
9. | 9. | David aka "Nokobuku" | Leipzig | TTS Leipzig | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
10. | 10. | David aka "AdmiralNelson" | Berlin | WarmerHoden | Khador | 0 |
11. | 11. | Till aka "Cherup" | Kassel | TTC Kassel | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
12. | 12. | Michael aka "Labla" | München | Geclockt, geboxt oder einfach du | Cygnar | 0 |
13. | 13. | Andreas aka "Pagan" | Passau | Der letze Niederbayer | The Circle Orboros | 0 |
14. | 14. | Walter aka "PasstSchon" | Teuchern | Cheeky Squiggs | The Skorne | 0 |
15. | 15. | (anonym) | | Tabletopclub Erfurt .eV. | Legion of Everblight | 0 |
16. | 16. | Hendrik aka "Hoernchen" | Kassel | TTC Kassel | Retribution of Scyrah | 0 |
17. | 17. | Thomas aka "Scetcher" | Berlin | Spreepiraten | Cygnar | 0 |
18. | 18. | Johannes aka "Dr_Action" | Dresden | WarmerHoden | Cygnar | 0 |
19. | 19. | Tom aka "Darkchevalier" | Dresden | Angry Beasts | Cryx | 0 |
20. | 20. | Jonas aka "AllinonTrolls" | Berlin | | Trollblood | 0 |
21. | 21. | Sebastian aka "Plastefuchs" | Dresden | WarmerHoden | Protectorate of Menoth | 0 |
22. | 22. | (anonym) | | Cheeky Squiggs | Cygnar | 0 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |
Team Results (at least 2 players):
Place | Team | Points |
1. | Angry Beasts (2) | 0.00 |
2. | TTC Kassel (2) | 0.00 |
3. | TTS Leipzig (2) | 0.00 |
4. | WarmerHoden (3) | 0.00 |
5. | Tabletopclub Erfurt .eV. (3) | 0.00 |
6. | Cheeky Squiggs (2) | 0.00 |
7. | Kommander Wurschtbrot (2) | 0.00 |
City Results (at least 2 players):
Place | Origin | Points |
1. | Leipzig (2) | 0.00 |
2. | Kassel (2) | 0.00 |
3. | München (2) | 0.00 |
4. | Teuchern (2) | 0.00 |
5. | Erfurt (2) | 0.00 |
6. | Berlin (3) | 0.00 |
7. | Dresden (5) | 0.00 |
Army Results:
Place | Army | Points |
1. | Protectorate of Menoth (3) | 0.00 |
2. | The Circle Orboros (1) | 0.00 |
3. | Retribution of Scyrah (1) | 0.00 |
4. | Trollblood (2) | 0.00 |
5. | Mercenaries (2) | 0.00 |
6. | Legion of Everblight (2) | 0.00 |
7. | Cygnar (6) | 0.00 |
8. | The Skorne (1) | 0.00 |
9. | Khador (2) | 0.00 |
10. | Cryx (2) | 0.00 |