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King in the North VI - List of Participants

1. Olivier aka "Orckel"FLille25OrcsLes Halflingsno
2. Alban aka "walach"FCroix44Trident Realms of Neriticano
3. Samuel aka "expunk"FVilleneuve D' Ascq9Order of the BrothermarkLes Halflingsno
4. Alex aka "Alexlesec"FMarly15Dwarfsno
5. Jean aka "Twerk"FLille29MongolsLes Halflingsno
6. Vincent aka "Julo62"FHénin-Beaumont34HalflingsLes Halflingsno
7. Paco aka "Iblis"EMadrid6Twilight Kinno
8. Maxime aka "Fao"FTourcoing36Abyssal DwarfsFaono
9. Jérémie aka "Kenozan"FAntony61Empire of Dustno
10. Jean aka "Primaris59"FVilleneuve D'ascq-Kingdoms of Menno

Distribution of Armies
Abyssal Dwarfs:1
Empire of Dust:1
Kingdoms of Men:1
Order of the Brothermark:1
Trident Realms of Neritica:1
Twilight Kin:1
Distribution of Origins
Nord (59):7
Pas-de-Calais (62):2
Hauts-de-Seine (92):1
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