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Caeris Online 4 - List of Participants

1. Quentin aka "Bwaaaane"FPoitiers1Aether NunsPCFPIyesyes
2. Mathias aka "tengoh"FPerpignan13Slang Kingdomyesyes
3. Fabrice aka "Golden"FMtp2Brotherhood of BuildersTeam Caerisyesyes
4. Thomas aka "Yung"FSospel10Slang Kingdomyesyes
5. Adrien aka "Pantoufle"FVillenave d'Ornon39Red MoonG.U.I.L.Dyesyes
6. Hugo aka "boombo"FMauguio3Slang KingdomTeam Caerisyesyes
7. Matthias aka "milo33fr"FTalence7Red MoonSolo-Boloyesyes
8. Benoit aka "Bloodyben"FLa Chapelle Saint Luc4Brotherhood of Buildersyesyes
9. David aka "Julk"FSarry15Slang Kingdomyesyes
10. Chris aka "quazard"FLyon27Aether Nunsyesyes

Distribution of Armies
Slang Kingdom:4
Aether Nuns:2
Brotherhood of Builders:2
Red Moon:2
Distribution of Origins
Gironde (33):2
Hérault (34):2
Alpes-Maritimes (06):1
Aube (10):1
Marne (51):1
Pyrénées-Orientales (66):1
Rhône (69):1
Vienne (86):1
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