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Gaming Clubs - Tin Soldiers of Antwerp (TSA)

Club Details
Name: Tin Soldiers of Antwerp (TSA)
Contact: Aldades (Contact), Umbra (Contact)
Meeting Place: Zaal Robin Hood
Address: Leugenberg 187
2180 Ekeren
Description: The Tin Soldiers of Antwerp is a Wargaming Club based at the Robin Hood clubhouse in Ekeren, Belgium. We are a group of wargaming enthusiasts playing a variety of Tabletop Miniature Wargames, RPG's and Boardgames. Some of them are played in a fantasy world whereby each member incorporates his or her favourite fantasy into an enjoyable game, many of us like to embark on an historical adventure by re-enacting famous battles throughout the history of mankind.

Are you a wargamer yourself and would you like to meet other passionate wargamers? Or are you new to the whole wargaming scene? No problem at all. Here at the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp we welcome everybody with open arms. Come along then and discover our Club every Friday night between 7PM and 1AM and feel free to join the biggest wargaming club in Europe.
Website: http://tsoa.be
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MembersTabletopsClub PlacementsTournaments

Warhammer 40K (8)


Warhammer Fantasy Battles (4)


The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles (4)


Blood Bowl (3)


Warhammer Age of Sigmar (3)


Kings of War (2)


Bolt Action (2)


Warhammer Underworlds (2)


Dreadball (1)


Warhammer: The Old World (1)


Other tabletops played by club members:

A Fantastic Saga A Song of Ice & Fire Anima Tactics Argatoria Babylon 5 Battlefleet Gothic Black Seas - The Age Of Sail Blitz Bowl Blitzkrieg Commander Blood & Plunder Blood Red Skies Bloodfields Carnevale Confrontation 3/3.5 Conquest - The Last Argument of Kings Conquest: First Blood De Bellis Antiquitatis Deadzone Demonworld Dystopian Wars Flames of War Freebooter's Fate Frostgrave Gaslands Hordes of the Things Kings of War Vanguard Malifaux Man O'War Marvel: Crisis Protocol Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Moonstone Mordheim Necromunda OPR Age of Fantasy OPR Age of Fantasy: Skirmish Relic Knights SAGA Skytear Star Wars: Legion Tanks The Uncharted Seas The Walking Dead: All Out War Victory at Sea War of the Ring WarGods Warhammer 40K: Kill Team Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Spearhead Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry Warhammer Armies Project Warmachine Warmaster Warmaster Revolution

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