T³ - TableTop Turniere
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Grand Opening Tournament - Informationen und Regeln

Crewbox Tournament (Beginner friendly)
• 35ss Gaining Grounds
• Single faction: You declare 1 faction for the whole tournament
• Pool limitation: You build your crew for each game exclusively with models of your Master’s crewbox.
• No Upgrade limitation: free choice of upgrades
• Summoning: You can only summon models that are in the crewbox, you can never have more models on the table than are in the crewbox. Example: Nicodem can only summon Punk Zombies and can never have more than 3 Punk Zombies on the table (buried models count as on the table for summoning purpose).

Strats and Schemes:

Round one
Deployment: Standard
Strat: Collect the Bounty (Jokers)
- Claim Jump (always)
- Frame for Murder (Rams)
- Leave your Mark (Tomes)
- Undercover Entourage (2)
- Show of Force (3)
Round two
Deployment: Corner
Strat: Guard the Stash (crows)
- Claim Jump (always)
- Accusation (Mask)
- Dig their Graves (crows)
- Hidden Trap (5)
- Search the Ruins (8)
Round three
Deployment: standart
Strat: Head Hunter (Tomes)
- Claim Jump (always)
- Neutralize the Leadership (doubles)
- Leave your Mark (Tomes)
- Covert Breakthrough (1)
- Tail 'em (10)

Hinweis: Für den Inhalt dieser Seite ist nicht T³, sondern der Turnierorganisator verantwortlich.
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