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European Single Championship (ESC) 2011 40K

BIG Award
3 days before the ETC, many of the main european generals fight for the supremacy !

The tournament follows ETC rules about armies composition. All needed informations are going to be published during the following weeks.

Please take note that foreigner players have priority to register until the 30th of June. After this date we'll also accept swiss players' payments.

Organisatoren: Biboun_Slayer (Kontakt), chtiofonce (Kontakt), Bibounn (Kontakt)

Spielsystem: Warhammer 40K (W40K)
Start: 17.08.11 - 08:30 Uhr
Ende: 18.08.11 - 20:00 Uhr
Startplätze: 160
Startgebühr: 27
Palais des Congrès
1820 Montreux


Hinweis: Das Turnier ist beendet.

Weitere Turniere auf diesem Event:
* Warhammer - Team
* Warhammer 40K - Team
* Warhammer
* Warhammer
* Warhammer 40K (abgesagt)

Zur Gruppenseite

Aktuelle News

13.08.11 - 09:29 Uhr
Army lists

Regarding the army list, simply bring them with you! They will be checked on the spot, and by your opponents. We trust you to bring correct army list, any mistakes will be hardly sanctioned so be sure to double check your roosters!



Geschrieben von Bibounn
30.06.11 - 18:58 Uhr
Rulespack updated to version 1.1

Mission 2 was clarified and list submission conditions have changed, mostly postponed by 3 weeks in order to try and maximise entrants.

Also don't forget that a singles tournament event will be held at the same time as ETC for those interested you can still combine ESC+singles event + world miniature expo + having a look at ETC teams & battles for a radical 5 days of miniatures :)
Read more news about ETC side event here :

Also, ETC clarifications that will be used at ESC can be looked up here : https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B3x-iNml9H_TYzdlYjFhMDctNzAwNS00OWU0LTg2OTYtZmRlM2EzYzA2N2Q2&hl=en_US&authkey=CNOPjfsD

Geschrieben von chtiofonce
19.05.11 - 23:36 Uhr
ESC Rulespack v1.0 published

See the Information, Rules section for details, 1850pts with Special Characters allowed : enjoy !

Geschrieben von chtiofonce

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