20th Conflict a Warhammer Fantasy: The Old World tournament |
Beschreibung: We are pleased to announce our yearly Conflict day. It will be the 20th edition of Conflict. Next to other tournaments we will organize a Warhammer Fantasy The Old World tournament, rules set will be announced
Organisatoren: Martius (Kontakt), Schpoeft (Kontakt), Gazzbrak (Kontakt)
Spielsystem: Warhammer: The Old World (TOW)
Start: 27.04.25 - 08:00 Uhr
Ende: 27.04.25 - 18:00 Uhr
Startplätze: 24
Startgebühr: 18 € (Abendkasse: 20 €)
OC Strooien DorpRillaarsebaan 1343201 AarschotBelgien
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