SW Legion Battlefield Berlin 500 pkt 1.5 |
Beschreibung: Einfach nett Zocken
Organisator: wazzi (Kontakt)
Spielsystem: Star Wars: Legion (SWL)
Start: 25.03.23 - 10:00 Uhr
Ende: 25.03.23 - 18:00 Uhr
Startplätze: 12
Startgebühr: 10 € (Abendkasse: 12 €)
Battlefield BerlinGneisenaustr. 4310961 BerlinDeutschland
Auslastung:100% Hinweis: Das Turnier ist beendet.
Aktuelle News
11.03.23 - 20:12 Uhr Liste Wazzi
Untitled 499/500 (7 activations) Commanders: - Rebel Officer (45): Vigilance (12), Portable Scanner (6) = 63 Operative: - Din Djarin (105): Situational Awareness (4), Tenacity (6), Comms Relay (5), Din's Flame Projector (8), The Mando's Jetpack (15), Din's Amban Rifle (10) = 153 Counterparts: - Grogu = 17 Corps: - Rebel Veterans (48): Recon Intel (2) = 50 - Rebel Veterans (48): Rebel Veteran (9), Recon Intel (2), Concussion Grenades (3) = 62 - 2× Medium Blaster Trooper (38) = 76 Special Forces: - Commandos (48): DH-447 Sniper (28), Duck and Cover (2) = 78
Commands: • This is the Way, •• I Like Those Odds, •• The Hand Thing, ••• Whistling Birds, • Ambush, ••• Covering Fire, •••• Standing Orders
Geschrieben von wazzi