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MESBG PXII Solo 4 - List of Participants

1. Alexandre aka "Lex-A"FParis2AngmarGandalf le Chat Crewyesyes
2. Quentin aka "QBcoaching"FCourquetaine53Thranduil's Hallsyesyes
3. Manon aka "Manond25"FParis134The EasterlingsDarkbunnyyesyes
4. Jérémie aka "Jijidici"FVincennes231Rohanyesyes
5. Renaud aka "Harwall"FColombes85Ereboryesyes
6. Clément aka "LeMaitreDesDES"FCourquetaine39The Easterlingsyesyes
7. Adrien aka "Adrien"FFontainebleau264Thranduil's Hallsyesyes
8. (anonym)-Minas Tirithyesyes
9. Lucas aka "Hollowone"FParis-MordorHollowoneyesyes
10. Ryan aka "SvenFireflie"FLumigny-Nesles-Ormeaux220The Fellowshipyesyes
11. Nathan aka "CaptainKutz"FSartrouville139Angmaryesyes
12. Marc aka "Solcarlus"FMontreuil106Mordoryesyes
13. Louis-H aka "RazgrizLh"FParis169The NazgûlMordor on the danceflooryesyes
14. Tardi aka "Tardigrade"FArgenteuil51Isengardyesyes
15. Hugo aka "lancelot2509"FParis141Minas TirithDarkbunnyyesyes
16. Bastien aka "Babalulu"FPoissy278EreborLe nain-dépendantyesyes
17. Mani aka "mani"FMarseille192Thranduil's Hallsyesyes
18. Matthieu aka "Druidito"FVillebon-Sur-Yvette68Mordoryesyes

The tournament has reached the allowed limit of 18 players. Please contact the organizer for further details.

Distribution of Armies
Thranduil's Halls:3
Minas Tirith:2
The Easterlings:2
The Fellowship:1
The Nazgûl:1
Distribution of Origins
Paris (75):5
Seine-et-Marne (77):4
Yvelines (78):2
Val-de-Marne (94):2
Bouches-du-Rhône (13):1
Essonne (91):1
Hauts-de-Seine (92):1
Seine-Saint-Denis (93):1
Val-d'Oise (95):1
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