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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - HTL - Wie wäre es Seite an Seite mit einem Freund? VI

1.Stickstoffboyz - Seite an Seite ohne Freund
Simon aka "sim-"DOberrothAngmar
Platzhalter aka "nichtArmin"DDachauThe Wizards
2.Stickstoffboyz - Fungamer
Marvin aka "Sturmkraehe"DDachauThe Wanderers in the Wild
Leo aka "PartyPooper"DNürnbergThranduil's Hall
3.Team Bruchpunkt L
Sebastian aka "SL93"DBambergThe Dwellers Below
Stefan aka "BigL"DBambergDol Guldur
4.Stickstoffboyz: Kesselfleisch
Paul aka "RatedR"DRockoldingMoria
Tobias aka "Hubeldauer"DDachauThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
5.Wo war Gondor
Sebastian aka "Sablbon"DNeuöttingMinas Tirith
David aka "Lonestar102"DNeuöttingMinas Tirith
6.Weiss-Blaue Enten
David aka "Lord_Ente"DPuchheimThe Dwellers Below
Alex aka "Cedric19"DPuchheimThe Wanderers in the Wild
7.Weiß Blaue Rat Kirchheim
Felix aka "Celeborn_der_Weise"DKirchheimThe Wizards
Flo aka "Elrond_Herr_des_Westens"DKirchheimThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
8.Calculated Risk
Philipp aka "Phyrex"DGarching bei MünchenMoria
Leopold aka "GorgorothBeastEnjoyer9000"DEichenauAngmar
9.Stickstoffboyz: Lässig aus dem Handgelenk
Patrick aka "hambiebup"DDachauAngmar
Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried"DOdelzhausenSharkey's Rogues
10.Stickstoffboyz - Rüsselknüppel
Max aka "Aignuss"DOdelzhausenThe Legions of the White Hand
Tom aka "Reazzn"DPfaffenhofen an der IlmHarad
11.Swiss-Middle-Earth Team: SG
Philip aka "Haleth"CHSt. GallenBarad-dûr
Patrick aka "Paddi96"CHHeerbruggThe Serpent Horde
12.Weiß Blauer Rat - Vaterstetten
Markus aka "Saruman_der_Weisse"DVaterstettenThe Dead of Dunharrow
Alexander aka "Radagast_der_Braune"DVaterstettenAngmar
13.Team Bruchpunkt
Markus aka "sukraM89"DNürnbergThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
Tobias aka "Golgiapparillo"DStammbachEastern Kingdoms
Fabian aka "Fabi123"DSchwäbisch GmündThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
Alexander aka "Hellenstein"DSteinheim am AlbuchElrond's Household
15.die Zeit der Menschen
Jonas aka "Auenland_Jones"DPassauThe Fiefdoms
Miguel aka "ElCampeador"DAugsburgMinas Tirith
16.Stickstoffboyz Schwammerl
Michael aka "michitaryan"DDachauThranduil's Hall
Max aka "Galdaran"DMaisachThranduil's Halls
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