T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - LYON RTS

1.Yann-Gaël aka "trantsiss"FOullinsKhador
2.Benoit aka "Hudsonh"FGrenobleCryx
3.Simon aka "Alris"FLyonCygnar
4.Nicolas aka "mermuth"FLe HavreThe Skorne
5.Alexandre aka "korknight"FLa TroncheCryx
7.Jérôme aka "Hora"FLyonThe Skorne
9.Frederic B.FSeyssinetLegion of Everblight
10.Josselin aka "Caherwain"FLanceyMercenaries
11.Christophe aka "Fifof"FLyonCryx
12.David aka "TripleUn"FLyonTrollblood
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