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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 2. Freistaat Schlacht - Age of Sigmar

1.Philipp aka "DerGrieche"DLeipzigSons of Behemat
2.Marius aka "Centox"DKasselSons of Behemat
3.Patrick aka "Babywind"DKasselIdoneth Deepkin
4.Klaas aka "Klaas83"DHerfordOgor Mawtribes
5.Andreas aka "Ghost-13"DArnsbergDisciples of Tzeentch
6.Moritz aka "Murmel"DLeipzigSlaves to Darkness
7.Pascal aka "Purzellino"DErfurtLumineth Realm-Lords
8.Lars aka "Live"DHalleCities of Sigmar
9.Colin aka "Showtime"DMünchenFyreslayers
10.Alexander aka "Elmo76"DSpeyerSoulblight Gravelords
11.Florian aka "Sgt_Wubbels"DThamsbrückMaggotkin of Nurgle
12.(anonym)Orruk Warclans
13.Philipp aka "Matsche89"DKyffhäuserland Ot SeegaSylvaneth
14.Kay aka "BrokenCore"DErfurtDaughters of Khaine
15.Tobias aka "AfterlifeKid"DErfurtBlades of Khorne
16.Sebastian aka "beasti"DLeipzigStormcast Eternals
17.Danny aka "Najix_EF"DErfurtFlesh-eater Courts
18.Andreas aka "Lamb3rman"DSpeyerKharadron Overlords
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