T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Tassin Warmach Challenge #1

1.Quentin aka "MrFox"FLyonRetribution of Scyrah
2.Guillaume aka "Pivi"FLyonLegion of Everblight
3.Emmanuel aka "manu69"FVilleurbanneLegion of Everblight
4.Olivier aka "N-o-N-o"FValenceKhador
5.Adrien aka "ZergSpirit"FSaint-Genis-LavalMercenaries
6.Ghislain aka "Loki-"FChaleinsCryx
7.Julien aka "KhorN"FLyonCryx
8.Paul-Alexis aka "Kechian"FLyonThe Circle Orboros
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