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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Iron Night III

1.Mathieu aka "Boneblade"FLe Perray En YvelinesMinions
2.Cedric aka "dark_ced"FLimeil BrevannesKhador
3.Guillaume aka "Khaelein"FVanvesCryx
4.Pierre aka "thenainblanc"FCachanRetribution of Scyrah
5.Maël aka "Mako"FParisMinions
6.Pierre Andre aka "p-a"FParisConvergence of Cyriss
7.Ahmad aka "MmD"FMontrougeProtectorate of Menoth
8.Arthur aka "yellowpioupiou"FVincennesProtectorate of Menoth
9.Jason aka "slec"FAubervilliersRetribution of Scyrah
10.Didier aka "Riowen"FGuyancourtCygnar
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