ETR - Tournament Results - 1. WM/HOR Spiele-Pyramiden Cup
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | Julian aka "Saviour" | Freising | Mercenaries |
2. | David aka "Wildjack" | Karlsruhe | The Circle Orboros |
3. | Martina aka "Bazinga" | Karlsruhe | The Circle Orboros |
4. | Jjulian aka "Obergrot" | Karlsruhe | Retribution of Scyrah |
5. | Ulrich aka "C0lt" | Ulm | Retribution of Scyrah |
6. | Yann aka "Arcane" | Karlsruhe | Cygnar |
7. | Manuel aka "Hustle_man" | Freiburg | Khador |
8. | (anonym) | | Legion of Everblight |
9. | Thomas aka "Lutherbibel" | Freiburg im Breisgau | Cygnar |
10. | Daniel aka "Greenskin85" | Ettenheim | Legion of Everblight |
11. | Klaus aka "sankt-klaus" | Benningen | Khador |
12. | Franklin aka "skywalker" | Karlsruhe | Protectorate of Menoth |
13. | Jufendi E. | Karlsruhe | Retribution of Scyrah |