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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer Fantasy Battles Place 178 - Benjamin aka "Zhatan" from FLimoges

Benjamin made following placements at WHFB-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
16Inter-Région 2015 - TeamF76000 RouenChaos Dwarfs2015-07-05204850.13%+0%0.0624%0.01
711éme Lice des Lémovices - TeamF87570 Rhillac RanconLizardmen2014-07-0644640.08%+0%0.0322%0.01
4Estivales de Joinville. ETC. - TeamF94340 Joinville Le PontDaemons of Chaos2014-07-1340610.08%+0%0.0320%0.01
3Team ETC France - TeamF17360 Saint AigulinChaos Dwarfs2014-02-2364740.06%+1%0.0318%0.01
7Orktober Fest - Warhammer Battle - TeamF31880 La Salvetat Saint GillesChaos Dwarfs2014-10-0556700.08%+0%0.0316%0.00
More tournaments:
5The Big Battle Royale IIF17360 Saint AigulinChaos Dwarfs2013-04-2858710.03%+0%0.02--
6Doublette Briaroise 5ème édition - TeamF45250 BriareLizardmen2013-08-2548660.03%+0%0.02--
1Les Hivernales du Fantastique Bataillon de Joinville II - TeamF94340 Joinville-Le-PontChaos Dwarfs2013-02-0248660.02%+5%0.02--
45ième tournoi ork'n rollF31880 La Salvetat Saint GillesOgre Kingdoms2012-09-3053690.02%+0%0.01--
4COT 2013F16730 FléacChaos Dwarfs2013-02-1028520.02%+0%0.01--
2LA GRANGE 8F37380 ReugnyDaemons of Chaos2012-11-1823480.02%+0%0.01--
1Tournoi prépa ETC 2013 - TeamF75018 ParisChaos Dwarfs2013-02-0324480.02%+3%0.01--
4Grand Handicap de Chateaudun 2012 - TeamF28200 ChateaudunChaos Dwarfs2012-10-2864740.02%+0%0.01--
4AAJH - COT 2012F16730 FléacChaos Dwarfs2012-02-1242630.01%+0%0.01--
2Grand Handicap de Chateaudun 2011 - TeamF28200 ChateaudunOrcs & Goblins2011-10-0264740.01%+4%0.01--
17Christmas Bash 2012F45250 BriareChaos Dwarfs2012-12-0232550.02%+0%0.01--
8Christmas Bash 2011F45250 BriareChaos Dwarfs2011-12-1134570.01%+0%0.00--
9Doublette Briaroise 3ème Edition - TeamF45250 BriareChaos Dwarfs2011-08-2840610.01%+0%0.00--
128 éme Summer ed Aigle et DragonF36330 Le PoinçonnetDaemons of Chaos2011-08-0740610.01%+0%0.00--
5ROOTS WARHAMMER BONNELLES MASTER III (Qualif TOS)F78830 BonnellesDaemons of Chaos2011-02-2032550.01%+0%0.00--
2Le Battle Griffons's TournamentF33600 PessacDogs of War2010-02-2840610%+15%0.00--
97 éme summer ' ed Aigle et DragonF36330 Le PoinçonnetChaos Warriors2010-08-0140610%+0%0.00--
4Fronton 2010 - TeamF31620 FrontonDaemons of Chaos2010-10-1042630%+0%0.00--
6La lice des lemovices 2F87000 Rilhac RanconDaemons of Chaos2010-07-1128520%+0%0.00--
6Fronton 2009F31620 FrontonDogs of War2009-10-1160740%+0%0.00--
2Tournoi du Salon du JeuF87000 LimogesDaemons of Chaos2010-03-2125490%+0%0.00--
1Chimères et Dragons - TeamF45250 BriareDaemons of Chaos2009-08-3032550%+10%0.00--
1le collège de l'escargot rouge 1500 ptsF18000 BourgesDaemons of Chaos2009-06-0640610%+20%0.00--
4Roots Bonnelles Masters 2009F78830 BonnellesDaemonic Legion2009-11-1532550%+0%0.00--
1Francs-Archers de FrontonF31620 FrontonDaemons of Chaos2008-11-1650670%+20%0.00--
5L'Aube des SeigneursF19300 EgletonsDaemons of Chaos2011-01-2910250.01%+0%0.00--
2WARHAMMER 1666 ptsF16000 AngoulêmeDark Elves2009-03-0122450%+0%0.00--
25 éme Summer ' edF36330 Le PoinçonnetDaemons of Chaos2008-08-0340610%+15%0.00--
256 éme Summer ' ed A&dF36330 Le PoinçonnetDogs of War2009-08-0244640%+0%0.00--
12La lice des LémovicesF87750 Rilhac-RanconChaos Dwarfs2009-07-1932550%+0%0.00--
14COT 2009F16000 AngoulêmeDogs of War2009-08-2324480%+0%0.00--
13Tournoi des GriffonsF33600 PessacDaemons of Chaos2008-10-1932550%+0%0.00--
910ème Salon du Jeu de la CitadelleF87000 LimogesLizardmen2009-04-1220430%+0%0.00--
5collège de l'escargot rouge - TeamF18000 BourgesLizardmen2008-05-1836580%+0%0.00--
27Grimoire Livre IIIF31500 ToulouseChaos Dwarfs2009-03-0842630%+0%0.00--
22Les Rixes Joyeuses (Les seigneurs bourbonnais - MOULINS - 03)F03000 MoulinsDaemons of Chaos2008-11-2242630%+0%0.00--
11Inter régions 2008 - TeamF35000 Rennes2008-06-29120850%+0%0.00--
5[ 49 ] SaumurF49400 SaumurOrcs & Goblins2008-03-3036580%+0%0.00--
18Les Thermes du Trool 2eme éditionF03200 VichyLizardmen2008-06-0140610%+0%0.00--
34Fun, Fast and Furious 2007F91800 Boussy-Saint-AntoineOrcs & Goblins2007-04-15105850%+0%0.00--
7Appel aux Armes de StonehengeF63360 GerzatChaos Dwarfs2007-06-2448660%+0%0.00--
18Compagnie grise 2007F87280 LimogesChaos Dwarfs2007-02-1836580%+0%0.00--
195ème lice des lémovicesF87480 Saint Priest TaurionOrcs & Goblins2006-12-0338600%+0%0.00--
26Tournoi Stonehenge de JuinF63360 GerzatOrcs & Goblins2006-06-1859720%+0%0.00--
37trophée des thermes du trollF03200 VichyChaos Dwarfs2007-05-2752680%+0%0.00--
15Joutes limougeoisesF87280 LimogesOrcs & Goblins2006-02-0540610%+0%0.00--
17Inter-régional 2007 - TeamF73000 Chambéry2007-07-08120850%+0%0.00--
1615 ème salon du jeu de limogesF87000 LimogesLizardmen2014-04-0616370.06%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 213. Place in the KoW-ranking of FFrance
* 374. Place in the BB-ranking of FFrance
* 1955. Place in the XWING-ranking of FFrance
* 348. Place in the KoW-ranking of Europe
* 522. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 543. Place in the BB-ranking of Europe
* 5085. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Francs-Archers de Fronton: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* Chimères et Dragons: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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