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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Die Belagerung der Hammaburg Teil 3

1.Ernesto aka "ayu"DHamburgMinas Tirith
2.Byron aka "Grueno"DNorderstedtThe Nazgûl
3.Hauke aka "JayCop"DKielErebor
4.Lasse aka "Lasse_97_123"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
5.Franco aka "Slipi"DTorgelowAngmar
6.Johannes aka "Mondil"DGüstrowMinas Tirith
7.Michael aka "Finox"DSchenefeldErebor
8.Dean aka "Druk"DBerlinThe Fiefdoms
9.Henry aka "Hp-otti"DTorgelowLothlórien
10.Janosch aka "LittleJohn1001"DKielDesolator of the North
11.Luca aka "Ligma"DEmdenAngmar
12.Dustyn aka "Grrum"DTorneschThe Army of the High King
13.Jascha aka "Hrutur"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
14.Dennis aka "Smythy"DBerlinThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
15.Lasse aka "Das_Vieh"DHamburgErebor
16.Dennis aka "Zerc"DBerlinDesolator of the North
17.Jakob aka "JTech"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
18.Kevin aka "Kebyte"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
19.Tobias aka "cody9129"DHamburgAngmar
20.Alex aka "Alex_12"DEstorfMordor
21.Tarik aka "Terrorkiks"DElmshornAngmar
22.Nono aka "Nohirrim"DHamburgThe Dead of Dunharrow
23.Nabil aka "Herobrand"DHamburgRivendell
24.Marten Tarek aka "legofant"DEldingenThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
25.Marco aka "Goboon"DOsteelMoria
26.Enrico aka "Khilad"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
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