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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - SuperWargame, mk3

1.Nemausus Squamae
William aka "Wiwox"FNîmesGrand Alliance Chaos
Logan aka "Kappa"FNîmesGrand Alliance Chaos
3.Ca mord et ça ronge
Erwan aka "Gekirin"FMontpellierSeraphon
Nathan aka "Gawri_Deter"FCastelnau-Le-LezSkaven
4.De chenille et de croc
Hadrien aka "Alamankarazieff"FSaint-Georges-D'orquesSeraphon
Phane aka "Nod"FMontpellierCities of Sigmar
5.Bleu chiotte (mais pas terni)
Emmanuel aka "Gaashnaack"FMarseille- -8E- -Arrondissement Maggotkin of Nurgle
Mathieu aka "falcornau"FMontpellierBlades of Khorne
6.Les goutteux d'or
Simon aka "SimStoDarkness"FMontpellierSlaves to Darkness
Alexandre aka "Sajuuk"FParisSeraphon
Florian aka "InfernalCane"FMontpellierHedonites of Slaanesh
8.Ward 6+
Marvin aka "Furra"FNimesGrand Alliance Order
Louison aka "Pattenrond"FMontpellierSylvaneth
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