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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Hasard Ludique - Ninth Age 1

1.Alex aka "Hayaze"FArrasDwarven Holds
2.Christopher aka "Rothulf"BWemmelWarriors of the Dark Gods
3.Serge aka "Khaghan"BBruxellesUndying Dynasties
4.François aka "Valmir"BAthEmpire of Sonnstahl
5.Hadrien aka "strauss"BWSPBeast Herds
6.Thomas aka "Elarion"BStrombeek-BeverHighborn Elves
7.Julien aka "godtbilator"BBruxellesWarriors of the Dark Gods
8.Gregory aka "Gregus"BLiègeEmpire of Sonnstahl
9.Gilles aka "Heleran"BTongre Notre DameDread Elves
10.Quentin aka "Morkall"BWemmelOrcs and Goblins
11.Florien aka "Kaass"BChaineuxOrcs and Goblins
12.Vincent aka "jacktherror"BDrogenbosDaemon Legions
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