T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Trial by Fire

1.Marko aka "Nedorus"DMünchenThe Circle Orboros
2.Cristopher aka "DocBembel"DMünchenThe Skorne
3.Tobias aka "Toby"DPlaneggThe Skorne
4.Felix aka "MonsTaGoblin"DHamburg
5.Paul aka "Stormguard"DMünchenThe Circle Orboros
6.Luca aka "Schraddler"
7.Christoph aka "Roter_Baron"DMünchenLegion of Everblight
8.Christian aka "Sledge"DMünchenThe Circle Orboros
9.Alex aka "nighty_s"DMünchenTrollblood
10.Ringo aka "RinGosTarR"DMünchenLegion of Everblight
11.Dominik aka "Nickl"UKMünchenThe Circle Orboros
12.Andras aka "Kunci"DMünchenTrollblood
13.Bernhard aka "Ghibelline"DMünchenTrollblood
14.Steffen aka "MacBride"DMünchenThe Skorne
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