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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - SteamClash Octobre 2014 "War by Night"

1.Joachim aka "keya"BWavreProtectorate of Menoth
2.Quentin aka "Qu1nthus"FLilleMinions
3.Al aka "BlobDylan"BNamurThe Circle Orboros
4.Cedric aka "Cedryc"BBruxellesProtectorate of Menoth
5.Ronan aka "Baby-Dragon"BNamurLegion of Everblight
6.Guibert L.BNamurRetribution of Scyrah
7.Michael aka "driks"BBruxellesMercenaries
8.Sylvain aka "Lelith"FVilleneuve d'ascqMercenaries
9.Emilien aka "Emilien"BNamurKhador
10.Alexandre aka "Nah3lou"BAndenneThe Circle Orboros
11.Joachim aka "Alariel"BMont Sur MarchienneCygnar
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