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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Collateral Damage Tournament I

1.Gergely aka "gergely"CHAdliswilProtectorate of Menoth
2.Henrik aka "der_moscher"CHIttigenThe Skorne
3.Robi aka "Turambar"CHUerikonThe Circle Orboros
4.Dante aka "Dasu99"CHUznachProtectorate of Menoth
5.Botond aka "Botond"CHAdliswilLegion of Everblight
6.Moritz aka "dies_irae"CHSteffisburgThe Circle Orboros
7.Dominic aka "Skullheart"CHLanzenhäusernThe Circle Orboros
8.Andre aka "Kirin"CHUznachRetribution of Scyrah
9.Christoph aka "gis"CHKippelTrollblood
10.Pascal aka "Huggybearry"CHLaupenMinions
11.Philipp aka "Phistomefel"CHWinterthurTrollblood
12.Philipp aka "grailhunter"CHZürichTrollblood
13.(anonym)Legion of Everblight
14.Marcello aka "Marcellat"CHGenèveCryx
15.Franck aka "FrankTu"CHGenèveRetribution of Scyrah
16.Peter aka "petz72"CHMittelhäusernCygnar
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