ETR - Tournament Results - Drakerys : l'éveil des héros !
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | Ahmed aka "PokPok" | Saint Maur Des Fossés | The Kingdom of Ashral |
2. | (anonym) | | The Aurium Caste |
3. | Yohan aka "Kharnac" | Clichy | The Aurium Caste |
4. | Pierre aka "Pedroeltoro" | Saint Ouen | The Kingdom of Avaren |
5. | Mohamed aka "Mohand" | Montpellier | The Empire of Irosia |
6. | Neo aka "Superneo" | Angers | The Kingdom of Ashral |
7. | Gilles aka "Fey" | Wissous | The Kingdom of Ashral |
8. | Morgan aka "Tenhill" | Pantin | The Empire of Irosia |
9. | Gabriel aka "Damag" | Limeil Brevannes | The Kingdom of Avaren |