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Thrones of Britannia 2 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Erwan aka "Far_faday"FQuimper34Vikingsno
2. Valerian aka "Valbesa"FDeuil-La-Barre2Anglo-DanesGuilloteamno
3. Julien aka "Juluan"FCombrit29Normansno
4. Thomas aka "Nakhrin"FConnerré1NormansTeam Sangno
5. Armand aka "Armandou"FQuimper4Anglo-DanesLa Communauté du déno
6. Anthony aka "Toto_Le_Norrois"FCallac7Anglo-Saxonsno
7. Jean-Louis aka "Leridan"FCrozon49Carolingian FranksYggdrasyllno
8. Bruno aka "Armel"FLorient-Irishno
9. Aymeric aka "Bigbi70"FSantec-BritonsLa légion celteno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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