Distribution of Armies |
Cryx: | 2 |
Khador: | 2 |
Mercenaries: | 2 |
Minions: | 2 |
The Circle Orboros: | 2 |
Convergence of Cyriss: | 1 |
Crucible Guard: | 1 |
Grymkin: | 1 |
Protectorate of Menoth: | 1 |
Retribution of Scyrah: | 1 |
The Skorne: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Nord (59): | 8 |
Calvados (14): | 2 |
Pas-de-Calais (62): | 2 |
Ille-et-Vilaine (35): | 1 |
Manche (50): | 1 |
Haute-Saône (70): | 1 |
Vosges (88): | 1 |