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NTRv3.0 France - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Place 204 - Laurent aka "Surprise" from FLangensoultzbach

Laurent made following placements at XWING-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
6BRETZWARS 2 - Tournoi Star wars XWINGF67120 MolsheimRebel Alliance2020-10-18204310.01%+0%3.1724%0.76
12HYPERSPACE TRIAL de L'ESTF67170 MittelhausenScum and Villainy2019-09-2931544.22%+0%1.4422%0.32
11Strass Wars III, Return of Strass Wars (V2 extended)F67380 LingolsheimScum and Villainy2019-05-0536583.17%+0%1.3120%0.26
104eme tournoi Fun-wingF67450 LampertheimScum and Villainy2022-02-12123023.73%+0%1.2918%0.23
3A Strass Wars Story, Escalation Two (V2 étendue)F67380 LingolsheimScum and Villainy2019-03-0316373.17%+0%1.0216%0.16
More tournaments:
15Tournoi Xwing à TanelornF57100 ThionvilleScum and Villainy2019-09-0722454.22%+0%0.63--
14Tournoi xwing V2 convention alchimistes 2019F67120 Soultz-Les-BainsRebel Alliance2019-03-2420433.17%+0%0.43--
144Championnat de FranceF75012 ParisScum and Villainy2018-11-25161852.38%+0%0.21--
17Tournoix Xwing D'rôles de Conv' 2018F67170 WingersheimScum and Villainy2018-10-1421442.38%+0%0.21--
* 574. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* 4eme tournoi Fun-wing: player-award-fairplayFairest Player
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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