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NTRv3.0 France - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Place 28 - Florian aka "dorpheos" from FEqueurdreville - Hainneville

Florian made following placements at XWING-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
4X wing 23-10 Store 2F50690 VirandevilleScum and Villainy2023-10-27173975%+0%23.7724%5.70
3X wing 05-2024F50690 VirandevilleScum and Villainy2024-05-311025100%+0%19.4422%4.28
7X wing 02-24F50690 VirandevilleScum and Villainy2024-02-101025100%+0%8.3320%1.67
9X wing - 03-24F50690 VirandevilleScum and Villainy2024-03-291230100%+0%8.1818%1.47
7X wing 2023-4F50100 CherbourgScum and Villainy2023-04-21123056.25%+0%7.6716%1.23
More tournaments:
3X wing - Pas de trêve hivernaleF50100 Cherbourg En CotentinGalactic Republic2022-11-1182042.19%+0%6.03--
3X wing 2.5 le renouveauF50690 VirandevilleScum and Villainy2022-06-2482031.64%+0%4.52--
4X wing 04-24F50100 Cherbourg-En-CotentinScum and Villainy2024-04-13611100%+0%4.40--
3X wing 2.5F50690 VirandevilleScum and Villainy2022-03-2582023.73%+0%3.39--
10X wing - 6F50100 CherbourgScum and Villainy2023-06-09123056.25%+0%3.07--
7X wing 5emeF50100 CherbourgScum and Villainy2023-05-1282056.25%+0%1.61--
5X wing Lutins cherbourgF50100 Cherbourg En CotentinScum and Villainy2021-11-1982017.8%+0%1.53--
7X wing 2,5 la rentréeF50120 Equeurdreville HainnevilleScum and Villainy2022-10-0882031.64%+0%0.90--
12Les Lutineries 2022 - X-WINGF50120 EqueurdrevilleScum and Villainy2022-05-01133223.73%+0%0.63--
6Tournoi du déconfinement chez les Lutins du CotentinF50690 VirandevilleScum and Villainy2020-07-108207.51%+0%0.43--
* 96. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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