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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Le Cimmérien [40k - 1000pts] 21 septembre

1.Maxime aka "Fenrys_wargame"FBucT'au Empire
2.Alexandre aka "Alexandre40k"FParisAstra Militarum
3.Pierre aka "Lunar"FMeulan-En-YvelinesSpace Wolves
4.Blandine aka "Miss_Chaos"FMeulanChaos Daemons
5.Maxime aka "Aiantos"FCergyAdepta Sororitas
6.Rudy aka "Actorix"FLe PerchayDark Angels
7.Mathieu aka "Taxheum"FMeulan En YvelinesGrey Knights
8.Trystan aka "Supkh"FBucBlood Angels
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