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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - G.I.M.P. e.v. präsentiert Enedwaith open

1.Jurek aka "Bilbo92S"DPotsdamThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
2.Tim aka "Timalexander"DBerlinThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
3.Richard aka "Alearis"DDresdenEregion and Rivendell
4.Martin aka "Mats_SonOfNerdor"DPotsdamAngmar
5.Martin aka "Martin_der_Grosse"DBerlinThe Wizards
6.Philip aka "ankmarphi"DWeinböhlaThe Rangers of Ithilien
7.Tim aka "Icebone"DBerlinThe Wanderers in the Wild
8.Danilo aka "KingsHead"DDessau-RoßlauErebor
9.Fabian aka "DKay"DNuthetalThe Grey Havens
10.Christian aka "Pelennorfarmer"DBeeskowMinas Tirith
11.Dennis aka "Smythy"DBerlinThéoden's Host
12.Patrick aka "Hellhammer"DGlashütteThranduil's Halls
13.Dean aka "Druk"DBerlinThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
14.Paul aka "pwl482"DBerlinIsengard
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