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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - HTL - Seite an Seite mit einem Freund IV

1.SSB: Kleinfinger und Yarak
Paul aka "RatedR"DRockoldingThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
Tobias aka "Hubeldauer"DDachauThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
2.Weiss Blaue Strategen
Alex aka "Cedric19"DPuchheimThe Wizards
Olaf aka "LeonDeGrande"DDachauThe Wizards
3.SSB: Der zählt trotzdem nur als einer!
Christoph aka "Der-Dealer"DAugsburgDurin's Folk
Marvin aka "Sturmkraehe"DDachauHarad
4.Mumpitz of Dol Guldur
Armin aka "Sylvebarb"DWürzburgKhazad-dûm
Simon aka "sim-"DOberrothKhazad-dûm
5.Whip it like the Balrog
Patrick aka "Paschspiele"DBobingenThe Serpent Horde
Tom aka "Unterberg"DMeringMordor
6.SSB: Lässig ausm Handgelenk
Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried"DOdelzhausenThe Trolls
Patrick aka "hambiebup"DDachauThe Trolls
7.M & M
Marius aka "BigMrB"DAugsburgThe Wizards
Moritz aka "Himmelskrieger"DAugsburgThe Wizards
8.The Widmers
Tim aka "Fantusch"CHWettingenThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
Lukas aka "LukasW"CHUsterThe Trolls
Philipp K.DMünchenDesolator of the North
Ferdinand aka "Bob_Der_Troll"DMünchenDesolator of the North
10.SWMF: Team JJ
Jonas aka "Auenland_Jones"DPassauThe Dead of Dunharrow
Jerome aka "Pyroman"DAltripThe Dead of Dunharrow
11.Mordor`s Schergen
Axel aka "Aryn"DZellerbergThe Dead of Dunharrow
Martin aka "MKSharingan"DMünchenDurin's Folk
12.Team Albrand
Paul aka "XarfaiEngel"DReutlingenDurin's Folk
Christian aka "DLT"DTübingenAzog's Hunters
13.Troll Tactix
Flo aka "Elrond_Herr_des_Westens"DKirchheimDurin's Folk
Felix aka "Celeborn_der_Weise"DKirchheimThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest
14.Das vorletzte Bündnis
Andy aka "Flamme_des_Westens"DMünchenThe Wanderers in the Wild
Vincent aka "Mortusestdeus"DMünchenKhazad-dûm
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