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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Store championship avec Les Dés Rangés

1.Xavier aka "xavmam"FLa RochelleScum and Villainy
2.Hugo aka "MoffDandy"FSaintesGalactic Empire
3.Yves-Marie aka "Aldenoer"FTalenceGalactic Empire
4.Aymeric aka "S3phiroxx"FSaintesGalactic Empire
5.Arnaud aka "arnwalden"FLa RochelleRebel Alliance
6.Gab aka "Dundee"FLa RochelleRebel Alliance
7.Florent aka "flo86"FLa Chapelle-ViviersGalactic Empire
8.Alexandre aka "nalex23"FLa RochelleScum and Villainy
9.Benjamin aka "JediYoda"FTalenceRebel Alliance
10.Philippe aka "El_Moutane"FGujan MestrasScum and Villainy
11.Antoine aka "Fouledeboeuf"FSaintesScum and Villainy
12.Xavier aka "Wallou1982"FSaintesScum and Villainy
13.Guillaume aka "Perceo"FSaintesRebel Alliance
14.Marc aka "Scipion17"FÉtaulesRebel Alliance
15.Alexandre aka "GRAOULLY57"FLe PizouRebel Alliance
16.Laurent aka "Azaen"FFontcouverteRebel Alliance
17.Marc-Antoine aka "Dryden777"FReparsacRebel Alliance
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