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NTRv3.0 - Club ranking of Switzerland

Start of the data acquisition: 2004-01-01
Last update: 2024-11-20 05:30
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Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Average NTR-points
1.Sons of GamesCHSwitzerland, 1700 Fribourg0.04
2.IgluanzünderCHSwitzerland, 3054 Schüpfen0.02
3.Vouivre de ValèreCHSwitzerland, 1950 Sion0.02
4.Lausanne War WyrmCHSwitzerland, 1012 Lausanne0.02
5.MiniaturenmalerCHSwitzerland, 8050 Zürich0.02
6.Dagobah Swamp ForceCHSwitzerland, 8050 Zürich0.02
7.Knights of the TableCHSwitzerland, 9015 St. Gallen-Winkeln0.01
8.Battering RamsCHSwitzerland, 8240 Thayngen0.01
9.Team MuhameleLILiechtenstein, 9496 Balzers0.01
10.Vieilles gloires de Tassin ARA69FFrance, 69000 Mordor0.01
11.Warlords BaselCHSwitzerland, 4051 Basel0.01
12.Aigles SéquanesFFrance, 25000 Besançon0.01
13.Area57CHSwitzerland, 6045 Meggen0.01
14.Au dès qu'a DentsCHSwitzerland, 1870 Monthey0.01
15.ShadowlordsCHSwitzerland, 8625 Gossau (Zh)0.01
16.Tabletop Networkunknown, 0000 Diverse0.01
17.WarbreedDGermany, 79713 Bad Säckingen0.00
18.Warhammer Fanatics-KonstanzDGermany, 78467 Konstanz0.00
19.Ordo Cubus BernensisCHSwitzerland, 3008 Bern0.00
20.C.H.I.M.E.R.ECHSwitzerland, 1227 Carouge0.00
21.Les Mines de PlombCHSwitzerland, 1896 Vouvry0.00
22.Team HellhoundCHSwitzerland, 00000 -0.00
23.SoftcoastCHSwitzerland, 1000 Zürich0.00
24.La Confrérie Galactique 40KCHSwitzerland, 1870 Monthey0.00
25.Tabletop Verein BasiliskCHSwitzerland, 4000 Basel0.00
26.La Boite à FigurinesFFrance, 73000 Chambéry0.00
27.Oberbaselbieter Warhammer-KlubCHSwitzerland, 4462 Rickenbach0.00
28.Les Compagnons Du JetonFFrance, 38500 Voiron0.00
29.Veni Vidi Vici VereinCHSwitzerland, 5408 Ennetbaden0.00
30.Bodensee-BrigadeDGermany, 88045 Friedrichshafen0.00
31.FUBARCHSwitzerland, 5400 Baden0.00
32.Schwarzer HahnDGermany, 79106 Freiburg0.00
33.War InkCHSwitzerland, 4500 Solothurn0.00

Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Total NTR-points
1.Sons of GamesCHSwitzerland, 1700 Fribourg0.36
2.Vouivre de ValèreCHSwitzerland, 1950 Sion0.26
3.Lausanne War WyrmCHSwitzerland, 1012 Lausanne0.22
4.MiniaturenmalerCHSwitzerland, 8050 Zürich0.16
5.IgluanzünderCHSwitzerland, 3054 Schüpfen0.15
6.Aigles SéquanesFFrance, 25000 Besançon0.12
7.Knights of the TableCHSwitzerland, 9015 St. Gallen-Winkeln0.09
8.Le Fantastique Bataillon de JoinvilleFFrance, 94340 Joinville Le Pont0.06
9.Dagobah Swamp ForceCHSwitzerland, 8050 Zürich0.05
10.Au dès qu'a DentsCHSwitzerland, 1870 Monthey0.05
11.Drago RossoCHSwitzerland, 6600 Locarno0.05
12.Team MuhameleLILiechtenstein, 9496 Balzers0.05
13.Battering RamsCHSwitzerland, 8240 Thayngen0.04
14.MAD CLUBFFrance, 68720 Zillisheim0.03
14.Sons of Games zillisheimFFrance, 68720 Zillisheim0.03
16.Warlords BaselCHSwitzerland, 4051 Basel0.03
17.Tabletop Networkunknown, 0000 Diverse0.03
18.ShadowlordsCHSwitzerland, 8625 Gossau (Zh)0.02
19.Vieilles gloires de Tassin ARA69FFrance, 69000 Mordor0.02
20.C.H.I.M.E.R.ECHSwitzerland, 1227 Carouge0.02
21.L'Imperium ClubFFrance, 25700 Valentigney0.02
22.Les Esprits GeeksFFrance, 25550 Bavans0.02
23.Mootland ClanFFrance, 38200 Vienne0.02
24.Ordo Cubus BernensisCHSwitzerland, 3008 Bern0.01
25.Area57CHSwitzerland, 6045 Meggen0.01
26.Warhammer Fanatics-KonstanzDGermany, 78467 Konstanz0.01
27.WarbreedDGermany, 79713 Bad Säckingen0.01
28.Nova CoreDGermany, 79618 Rheinfelden0.01
29.Imperatores Castra ReginaeDGermany, 93096 Köfering0.01
29.40KNDGermany, 78467 Konstanz0.01
29.DrachengildeDGermany, 90530 Wendelstein0.01
32.Team HellhoundCHSwitzerland, 00000 -0.01
33.Die PuppenspielerDGermany, 29525 Uelzen0.01
34.The UnboostablesCHSwitzerland, 8730 Uznach0.00
35.La Boite à FigurinesFFrance, 73000 Chambéry0.00
36.La Confrérie Galactique 40KCHSwitzerland, 1870 Monthey0.00
37.Les Mines de PlombCHSwitzerland, 1896 Vouvry0.00
38.SoftcoastCHSwitzerland, 1000 Zürich0.00
39.SR2AFFrance, 69001 Lyon0.00
40.Oberbaselbieter Warhammer-KlubCHSwitzerland, 4462 Rickenbach0.00
41.Tabletop Verein BasiliskCHSwitzerland, 4000 Basel0.00
42.ARONISCHSwitzerland, 1844 Villeneuve0.00
43.Veni Vidi Vici VereinCHSwitzerland, 5408 Ennetbaden0.00
44.EvenDogsCHSwitzerland, 8506 Lanzenneunforn0.00
45.Dah! Oufzor TeamFFrance, 25000 Besançon0.00
46.TT GurusCHSwitzerland, 4462 Rickenbach0.00
47.Les Compagnons Du JetonFFrance, 38500 Voiron0.00
48.Tabletop Südwest TSWDGermany, 54429 Region Südwest0.00
48.gap ginnûngaDGermany, 54459 Wiltingen0.00
50.La sacro-sainteFFrance, 38000 Grenoble0.00
51.Death-WarrantDGermany, 79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen0.00
52.Schwarzer HahnDGermany, 79106 Freiburg0.00
53.Bodensee-BrigadeDGermany, 88045 Friedrichshafen0.00
54.FUBARCHSwitzerland, 5400 Baden0.00
55.confrérie du déFFrance, 73470 Gerbaix0.00
56.No WolfgangsDGermany, 75203 Königsbach0.00
56.Team KarlsruheDGermany, 76275 Ettlingen0.00
58.War InkCHSwitzerland, 4500 Solothurn0.00
59.L'antre du warpFFrance, 18520 Avord0.00
60.Flying CircusCHSwitzerland, 6017 Ruswil0.00
60.X-WING Union RheintalAAustria, 6800 Feldkirch0.00
62.Tabletop Community Ortenau e.V.DGermany, 77652 Offenburg0.00
63.9th Age FreiburgDGermany, 79211 Denzlingen0.00
64.Tabletop Club FreiburgDGermany, 79106 Freiburg Im Breisgau0.00
65.Team TirolAAustria, 6020 Innsbruck0.00
66.D'ohCHSwitzerland, 6004 Luzern0.00
67.LiegendaryBBelgium, 4000 Liège0.00
68.La Confrérie des MâlemouleuxFFrance, 69380 Lozanne0.00
69.Badonkadonk Inc.DGermany, 12345 Überall0.00
69.ClownsDGermany, 80636 München0.00
71.Spvgg Osnabrück 07DGermany, 49082 Osnabrück0.00
72.Les TrollistesFFrance, 86240 Fontaine-Le-Comte0.00
73.Fantasy CrusadersCHSwitzerland, 6300 Zug0.00

Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Number of players listed in the NTR
1.Aigles SéquanesFFrance, 25000 Besançon17
2.Vouivre de ValèreCHSwitzerland, 1950 Sion11
3.Lausanne War WyrmCHSwitzerland, 1012 Lausanne10
4.Sons of GamesCHSwitzerland, 1700 Fribourg9
4.C.H.I.M.E.R.ECHSwitzerland, 1227 Carouge9
4.MiniaturenmalerCHSwitzerland, 8050 Zürich9
7.Au dès qu'a DentsCHSwitzerland, 1870 Monthey8
8.Knights of the TableCHSwitzerland, 9015 St. Gallen-Winkeln7
9.Ordo Cubus BernensisCHSwitzerland, 3008 Bern6
9.Veni Vidi Vici VereinCHSwitzerland, 5408 Ennetbaden6
9.IgluanzünderCHSwitzerland, 3054 Schüpfen6
12.Schwarzer HahnDGermany, 79106 Freiburg5
12.La Boite à FigurinesFFrance, 73000 Chambéry5
12.Warhammer Fanatics-KonstanzDGermany, 78467 Konstanz5
12.Team MuhameleLILiechtenstein, 9496 Balzers5
12.Tabletop Networkunknown, 0000 Diverse5
17.Team HellhoundCHSwitzerland, 00000 -4
17.Warlords BaselCHSwitzerland, 4051 Basel4
17.ShadowlordsCHSwitzerland, 8625 Gossau (Zh)4
17.Oberbaselbieter Warhammer-KlubCHSwitzerland, 4462 Rickenbach4
21.Dagobah Swamp ForceCHSwitzerland, 8050 Zürich3
21.Battering RamsCHSwitzerland, 8240 Thayngen3
21.WarbreedDGermany, 79713 Bad Säckingen3
21.La Confrérie Galactique 40KCHSwitzerland, 1870 Monthey3
21.Vieilles gloires de Tassin ARA69FFrance, 69000 Mordor3
21.Tabletop Verein BasiliskCHSwitzerland, 4000 Basel3
27.FUBARCHSwitzerland, 5400 Baden2
27.Bodensee-BrigadeDGermany, 88045 Friedrichshafen2
27.Area57CHSwitzerland, 6045 Meggen2
27.Les Mines de PlombCHSwitzerland, 1896 Vouvry2
27.Les Compagnons Du JetonFFrance, 38500 Voiron2
27.SoftcoastCHSwitzerland, 1000 Zürich2
27.War InkCHSwitzerland, 4500 Solothurn2
34.Tabletop Südwest TSWDGermany, 54429 Region Südwest1
34.L'antre du warpFFrance, 18520 Avord1
34.Tabletop Community Ortenau e.V.DGermany, 77652 Offenburg1
34.Drago RossoCHSwitzerland, 6600 Locarno1
34.9th Age FreiburgDGermany, 79211 Denzlingen1
34.LiegendaryBBelgium, 4000 Liège1
34.Les Esprits GeeksFFrance, 25550 Bavans1
34.SR2AFFrance, 69001 Lyon1
34.Flying CircusCHSwitzerland, 6017 Ruswil1
34.The UnboostablesCHSwitzerland, 8730 Uznach1
34.confrérie du déFFrance, 73470 Gerbaix1
34.X-WING Union RheintalAAustria, 6800 Feldkirch1
34.40KNDGermany, 78467 Konstanz1
34.TT GurusCHSwitzerland, 4462 Rickenbach1
34.Sons of Games zillisheimFFrance, 68720 Zillisheim1
34.Nova CoreDGermany, 79618 Rheinfelden1
34.Tabletop Club FreiburgDGermany, 79106 Freiburg Im Breisgau1
34.Badonkadonk Inc.DGermany, 12345 Überall1
34.Les TrollistesFFrance, 86240 Fontaine-Le-Comte1
34.No WolfgangsDGermany, 75203 Königsbach1
34.Die PuppenspielerDGermany, 29525 Uelzen1
34.La sacro-sainteFFrance, 38000 Grenoble1
34.Mootland ClanFFrance, 38200 Vienne1
34.Team KarlsruheDGermany, 76275 Ettlingen1
34.gap ginnûngaDGermany, 54459 Wiltingen1
34.DrachengildeDGermany, 90530 Wendelstein1
34.Imperatores Castra ReginaeDGermany, 93096 Köfering1
34.Team TirolAAustria, 6020 Innsbruck1
34.Fantasy CrusadersCHSwitzerland, 6300 Zug1
34.Dah! Oufzor TeamFFrance, 25000 Besançon1
34.ARONISCHSwitzerland, 1844 Villeneuve1
34.La Confrérie des MâlemouleuxFFrance, 69380 Lozanne1
34.Le Fantastique Bataillon de JoinvilleFFrance, 94340 Joinville Le Pont1
34.MAD CLUBFFrance, 68720 Zillisheim1
34.ClownsDGermany, 80636 München1
34.Spvgg Osnabrück 07DGermany, 49082 Osnabrück1
34.EvenDogsCHSwitzerland, 8506 Lanzenneunforn1
34.D'ohCHSwitzerland, 6004 Luzern1
34.L'Imperium ClubFFrance, 25700 Valentigney1
34.Death-WarrantDGermany, 79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen1

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