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ETR Europe - Warhammer Age of Sigmar Place 176 - Hervé aka "spartanherve" from FToulouse

Hervé made following placements at WAoS-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
2AOSFF FTC 2024 - Étape Sud Ouest - TeamF31100 ToulouseTamurkhan’s Horde2024-03-034866100%+2%50.7924%12.19
23ACE GRAND TOURNAMENT 2023F91000 Évry-CourcouronnesBeasts of Chaos2023-07-091208556.25%+0%38.9722%8.57
2LBF l'arène de Crussif IIF09700 La Bastide De LordatBeasts of Chaos2023-09-10204375%+0%30.5520%6.11
2limoges wargames equipe 1ere edition - TeamF87000 LimogesBeasts of Chaos2023-10-22305375%+0%30.1618%5.43
7LBF l'arène de Crussif IIIF09700 La Bastide De LordatStormcast Eternals2023-12-17204375%+0%22.0716%3.53
More tournaments:
1Les Bagarres du Squig - #03F94200 Ivry-Sur-SeineBeasts of Chaos2021-12-18265017.8%+20%10.68--
2Age of ACE II: le RetourF91000 Evry-CourcouronnesBeasts of Chaos2022-06-05224523.73%+0%10.17--
4Les Bagarres du Squig - #04F94200 Ivry-Sur-SeineBeasts of Chaos2022-03-12224523.73%+0%9.15--
4FINALE 2022 - TeamF95560 MonsoultBeasts of Chaos2022-10-16486631.64%+0%8.66--
18Les Bagarres du Squig - #05F94200 Ivry-Sur-SeineBeasts of Chaos2022-06-19265031.64%+0%5.06--
5Coupe de France Team 2022/2023 : Etape IDF-Centre - TeamF36000 ChateaurouxBeasts of Chaos2023-04-09406156.25%+0%3.08--
* 84. Place in the WAoS-ranking of FFrance
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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