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ETR Europe - Bolt Action Place 178 - Simon aka "SimonS" from BAalter

Simon made following placements at BA-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
6The Crusade (BA) "Verraad op veldegem platse"B8200 Sint-MichielsJapanese Army2023-03-18123042.19%+0%6.9024%1.66
10The Crusade (BA)B8200 Sint-MichielsGerman Army2022-03-19143423.73%+0%2.4822%0.55
8Solo Bolt Action de Mars 2024 à UtopolysF59370 Mons En BaroeulJapanese Army2024-03-24820100%+0%0.0020%0.00
13Journée Bolt Action à UtopolysF59370 Mons En BaroeulGerman Army2021-10-09133217.8%+0%0.0018%0.00
Additional ETR-placements:
* 125. Place in the SAGA-ranking of Europe
* 14. Place in the BA-ranking of BBelgium
* 17. Place in the SAGA-ranking of BBelgium
* 166. Place in the BA-ranking of FFrance
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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