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ETR - Tournament Results - THE DICE CHALLENGE 3eme ÉDITION

1.Jaf aka "fLnJ"FEaubonneHedonites of Slaanesh
2.Augustin aka "Leth"FNeuilly sur SeineLegions of Nagash
3.Camille aka "Loukrage"FParisSylvaneth
4.Frederic aka "muetdhiver"FParisSkaven
5.Christophe aka "Anca"FParisDisciples of Tzeentch
6.José Miguel aka "KingMinos"FParisDisciples of Tzeentch
7.Luce aka "Arlus"FParisStormcast Eternals
8.Romain aka "MisterZa"FSaint Leu La ForetKharadron Overlords
9.Gaultier aka "Grimaldus50"FSartrouvilleMaggotkin of Nurgle
10.Alexandre aka "Westa"FAntonyOgor Mawtribes
11.Michael aka "Miladin"FParisGloomspite Gitz
12.Jean-Baptiste aka "Met_dix_ans"FDraveilSylvaneth
13.Sébastien aka "bloblo"FChatillonMaggotkin of Nurgle
14.Matthieu aka "Yliara"FParisOssiarch Bonereapers
15.Alexander aka "Laz"FVincennesSlaves to Darkness
16.Matthieu aka "BaBarOne"FRosny-Sous-BoisStormcast Eternals
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