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NTRv3.0 Germany - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Place 69 - Paul aka "Ragon" from DBerlin

Paul made following placements at LotR-tournaments in Germany...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
21. Deutsche Team Championship im Mittelerde-Tabletop - TeamD68542 HeddesheimAngmar2024-06-02567075%+4%49.0224%11.77
166. HallunkenfestD06110 Halle (Saale)The Dwellers Below2025-01-194464100%+0%41.6722%9.17
306. Berliner MeisterschaftD10245 BerlinThe Wanderers in the Wild2024-11-245871100%+0%34.8820%6.98
22HTL-Deutsche Meisterschaft 2023D04435 SchkeuditzThe Wanderers in the Wild2023-10-081048542.19%+0%28.5518%5.14
29Ostdeutsche Meisterschaft 2024D06844 Dessau-RoßlauEregion2024-02-25637356.25%+0%22.5216%3.60
More tournaments:
4Khazads Kurze kippen Kümmel 2023 - TeamD18055 RostockDunland2023-07-30406142.19%+0%21.45--
58HTL - 7. Bayerische Mittelerde Tabletop MeisterschaftD85221 DachauThe Wizards2024-03-17908356.25%+0%16.79--
4Lost in LorienD10245 BerlinThe Wanderers in the Wild2023-04-16365831.64%+0%16.78--
104HTL-Deutsche Meisterschaft 2024D04435 SchkeuditzThe Wizards2024-09-291338575%+0%14.01--
285. Berliner MeisterschaftD10245 BerlinThe Wizards2023-11-12506742.19%+0%12.69--
64. HallunkenfestD06110 HalleAngmar2023-01-14406123.73%+0%12.62--
6Mittelerde ETC Warm UpD12555 BerlinThe Wizards2022-04-24224517.8%+0%6.10--
68HTL-Deutsche Meisterschaft 2022D22457 HamburgAngmar2022-09-18868123.73%+0%4.07--
7Schlacht im Elb(en)talD01159 DresdenThe Wizards2020-10-1816375.63%+0%1.25--
59HTL Deutsche Mittelerde Meisterschaft 2019D22457 HamburgThe Wanderers in the Wild2019-09-15114852.38%+0%0.98--
30HTL 3. Berliner Mittelerde MeisterschaftD13627 BerlinThe Wanderers in the Wild2019-12-1546653.17%+0%0.73--
3HTL - Das erste FrühstückD12555 BerlinThe Wanderers in the Wild2019-08-1013322.38%+0%0.63--
9HTL 2.Berliner Mittelerde MeisterschaftD13627 BerlinThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest2018-12-0236581.34%+0%0.60--
11HTL - Das zweite FrühstückD12555 BerlinGuardians of the Carrock2019-08-1119412.38%+0%0.43--
7HTL -1. Berliner Herr der Ringe und Hobbit Meisterschaft 2017-D13627 BerlinThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest2017-10-2936580.75%+0%0.36--
2HTL Dagorath ar Cottbus Team Turnier - TeamD03046 CottbusDurin's Folk2017-01-2218400.42%+0%0.14--
16HTL - Battle at the KreidefelsenD18528 Teschenhagen/ SehlenKhazad-dûm2017-06-1126500.56%+0%0.11--
21Die ultimative BM BM BM BM BM aka wir stoßen ins HornD12555 BerlinThe Wanderers in the Wild2019-03-1722451.78%+0%0.04--
* 74. Place in the LotR-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Schlacht im Elb(en)tal: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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