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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 8. Bayerische Mittelerde Tabletop Meisterschaft

1.Luca aka "lotr-craft-paint"CHRiedenArnor
2.Tom aka "pippin26"DGreifswaldThe Shire
3.Max aka "Sephiron"AWienArnor
4.Philip aka "Haleth"CHSt. GallenArnor
5.Arno aka "ArnoKR"DBielefeldThe Army of Lake-town
6.Antonio aka "HYBERIAS"DEssenThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
7.Markus aka "Leptys18"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
8.Alexander aka "Rudini"DBielefeldThranduil's Hall
9.Pascal aka "PascalB"DRottenburg am NeckarBarad-dûr
10.Moritz aka "kamahl90"CHBaselMoria
11.Marvin aka "Elgrafi"DPfedelbachMoria
12.Felix aka "Celeborn_der_Weise"DKirchheimThe Wizards
13.Gregor aka "Sturmprophet"DNeustrelitzMoria
14.Martin aka "Lembas"DChemnitzLothlórien
15.Nicolas aka "nic169"AFußachThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
16.Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried"DOdelzhausenAngmar
17.Marc aka "MarcS"CHVolketswilThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
18.Marvin aka "Sturmkraehe"DDachauThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest
19.Max aka "Aignuss"DOdelzhausenThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
20.Jascha aka "Hrutur"DHamburgThe Dwellers Below
21.Lukas aka "lf8gaming"ALinzThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
22.Marius aka "BigMrB"DAugsburgThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest
23.Lukas aka "Smori"DWeimarFangorn
24.Paulus Mathis aka "Pathis"DWeimarErebor
25.David aka "Milonium"DIserlohnMinas Tirith
26.Markus aka "Saruman_der_Weisse"DVaterstettenAngmar
27.Benjamin aka "BenHdr"DFrankfurt am MainThe Army of the High King
28.Manuel aka "M-SB"DKorschenbroichRivendell
29.Bernhard aka "Endyy"AObertrum am SeeMoria
30.Philipp aka "jan_boris_riemer"DLeipzigThe Wanderers in the Wild
31.Johann aka "Argetlam"DSolingenMoria
32.Fabian aka "Fabi94"DHamburgThe Nazgûl
33.Markus aka "sukraM89"DNürnbergThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
34.Adriano aka "mr_Thror"DMünchenArmy of Thror
35.Lars aka "Iten96"CHEnnetbürgenLothlórien
36.Marlon aka "Lucky_2"CHReinachThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest
37.Felix aka "Artistix"DMünchbergMinas Morgul
38.Liam aka "Lucky_1"CHReinachGuardians of the Carrock
39.Felix aka "feyangola"DArnsbergThe Rangers of Ithilien
40.Lukas aka "LukasW"CHUsterThe Trolls
41.Armin aka "Sylvebarb"DWürzburgRivendell
42.Julius aka "Schlauchbootkapitan"DNürnbergThe Black Gate
43.Peter aka "Bareiter"DBayreuthThe Wizards
44.Tobias aka "Hubeldauer"DDachauThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
45.Dennis aka "Drakaria"DSchwarzenbekThe Tower of Ecthelion
46.Patrick aka "Paschspiele"DBobingenDesolator of the North
47.Marvin aka "Maerve"DAschaffenburgThe Wizards
48.Niklas aka "Huelle"DNürnbergThe Army of the High King
49.Phillip Bulwyf aka "Bulwyf"DNehlitzThe Wanderers in the Wild
50.Antonio aka "ElMagnificoo"CHStansAngmar
51.Herbert aka "Glorfindel_HerrBert"DMurnau am StaffelseeRohan
52.Carlos aka "Pupe"DIngolstadtCirith Ungol
53.Pascal aka "Vize"DDüsseldorfMonsters of Middle-Earth
54.Tim aka "GrimmReaper"DArnsbergThe Serpent Horde
55.Leopold aka "GorgorothBeastEnjoyer9000"DEichenauAngmar
56.Maxi aka "RagingMax"DHaslachMinas Tirith
57.Fabian aka "Fabi123"DSchwäbisch GmündThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
58.Tobias aka "Caldan"DLandsbergThéoden's Host
59.Alessandro aka "Undomiel"DNürnbergHarad
60.Max aka "Eckernjung"DEckernfördeMinas Tirith
61.Benedikt aka "Schatten_im_Sueden"DMünchenMordor
62.Stefan aka "brunnebbudler"DDachauAngmar
63.Alexander aka "Allvater"AWienAngmar
64.Leo aka "PartyPooper"DNürnbergThranduil's Hall
65.Robert aka "Onenote"DSolingenLothlórien
66.Simon aka "sim-"DOberrothAngmar
67.Martin aka "JOups"DAnsbachNúmenor
68.Romy aka "romrold"DBielefeldAngmar
69.Flo aka "Flo_DWBR"DKirchheimThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
70.Mathieu aka "DelCyber"DOlchingThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
71.Ulrich aka "scratchedpaintjob"DMünchenDesolator of the North
72.Roland aka "Hal"CHReinachThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
73.Frank aka "Neutrino"DRottenburg am NeckarNúmenor
74.Patrick aka "Berzerk1216"DWaidhofenSharkey's Rogues
75.Martin aka "MKSharingan"DMünchenMinas Tirith
76.Stefan aka "accrock"DJülichDurin's Folk
77.Valentin aka "Valichking"AWienMinas Morgul
78.Luis aka "Loisl"DEbersbergThe Fiefdoms
79.Daniel aka "Dontaskme"DSoestAngmar
80.Alexander aka "Radagast_der_Braune"DVaterstettenThe Wanderers in the Wild
81.Julian aka "Sausa"CHVolketswilMoria
82.Tobias aka "Golgiapparillo"DStammbachThe Fiefdoms
83.Daniel aka "Bobbynator"DNürnbergCirith Ungol
84.Patrick aka "Paddi96"CHHeerbruggThe Dead of Dunharrow
85.Philipp aka "Pallando_der_Blaue"DMünchenGuardians of the Carrock
86.Christian aka "Chris89"DGeisenheimThe Easterlings
87.Sebastian aka "Memento"DBayreuthDesolator of the North
88.Leonard aka "Leo_B"DDitzingenDunland
89.Rene aka "Talandrion"DAugsburgThranduil's Hall
90.Johannes aka "Hansi"DAugsburgThe Tower of Ecthelion
91.Axel aka "Aryn"DZellerbergAngmar
91.Enrico aka "Khilad"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
92.Max aka "Troubl3"DWerlThe Legions of the White Hand
94.Matthias aka "kasch_matt"DBrilonThéoden's Host
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