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ETR Europe - Eden Place 16 - Mathieu aka "oursinet" from FSt Doulchard

Mathieu made following placements at EDEN-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
610 ème open du centre Eden au muton noirF18700 OizonISC2020-09-2021445.63%+0%1.8624%0.45
59eme open region centre - retour vers le ludique #6F18700 Aubigny Sur NèreISC2019-09-1524483.17%+0%1.2622%0.28
3nouvelle apocalypseF18000 BourgesJokers2017-12-1618401%+0%0.3520%0.07
3cauchemard VéganF18700 OizonDante's Angels2018-06-3012301.34%+0%0.3318%0.06
7Tournoi Eden à Tours (37)F37170 Chambray-Lès-ToursMatriarchy2018-05-2016371.34%+0%0.3016%0.05
More tournaments:
8Eden à OrleansF45800 St Jean De BrayeISC2017-11-1918401%+0%0.24--
158éme open du centre - Retour vers le Ludique #4F18700 Aubigny Sur NèreJokers2018-09-1620431.78%+0%0.20--
12mutations hivernalesF18000 BourgesMatriarchy2018-12-0116371.78%+0%0.18--
8Open des Volcans IIF63360 GerzatThe Horde2018-10-2810251.78%+0%0.10--
4Mutations printanièresF18000 BourgesThe Horde2018-03-257161%+0%0.08--
5noël contaminéF18000 BourgesMatriarchy2016-12-0311280.42%+0%0.07--
2hiver hostileF18110 St Eloy De GyMatriarchy2016-01-3013320.24%+0%0.07--
6Cave lycalusF18000 BourgesMatriarchy2016-03-1217390.24%+0%0.06--
17Open Région Centre 2016F18700 Aubigny Sur NèreMatriarchy2016-09-1824480.42%+0%0.06--
9sortir des cendresF18000 BourgesMatriarchy2015-03-1418400.13%+0%0.03--
10mortelle berrouasseF18000 BourgesThe Convoy2015-05-1716370.13%+0%0.02--
3Automne irradiéF18000 BourgesMatriarchy2015-10-037160.18%+0%0.02--
5Attrapouère à lycalsF18000 BourgesMatriarchy2013-12-0719410.06%+0%0.02--
2Petite baston dans la prairieF18410 Argent Sur SauldreJokers2013-11-0113320.06%+0%0.02--
9open eden region centre troisième éditionF18000 BourgesResistance2013-09-0830530.04%+0%0.02--
1Printemps radioactifF18000 BourgesAskari2013-06-0812300.04%+20%0.02--
17open de Bretagne 3F56450 TheixResistance2013-10-2732550.06%+0%0.02--
4Kilt et tronçonneuse: Bataille en terre EcossaiseF18700 Aubigny Sur NèreThe Convoy2014-01-1814340.06%+0%0.01--
14Open Region centre 2015F18700 Aubigny Sur NèreThe Convoy2015-09-0617390.18%+0%0.01--
27Open (bar) de ChartresF28300 AmillyMatriarchy2013-06-2342630.04%+0%0.01--
20Open de Bretagne 2F56450 TheixMatriarchy2012-10-2849670.02%+0%0.01--
1fougaler el bestiauF18000 BourgesMatriarchy2012-03-2418400.02%+20%0.01--
13Open eden region centre 2012F18000 BourgesMatriarchy2012-09-0933560.02%+0%0.01--
11Ils sont fous ces Chartrains !F28300 AmillyMatriarchy2012-06-2436580.02%+0%0.01--
3Eden au Semper Ludens 2012F45160 OlivetThe Convoy2012-09-1612300.02%+0%0.01--
22Finale 2012 EdenF75001 ParisMatriarchy2013-02-1732550.03%+0%0.01--
13Open de BretagneF56450 TheixISC2011-10-3038600.01%+0%0.01--
6agadiau toxiqueF18000 BourgesThe Horde2012-12-0114340.02%+0%0.00--
4Open de Chartres:les portes du tempsF28300 AmillyMatriarchy2011-07-0328520.01%+0%0.00--
1chasses berrichonnesF18000 BourgesThe Convoy2011-05-0810250.01%+20%0.00--
9Retour vers le ludiqueF18700 Aubigny Sur NèreMatriarchy2014-09-0610250.1%+0%0.00--
6Eden @ JFJ2011F78500 SartrouvilleJokers2011-01-1618400.01%+0%0.00--
8Orléans, le Néant de l'EdenF45800 St Jean De BrayeClan Bamaka2012-06-0312300.02%+0%0.00--
4Compo de merde à OrleansF45800 St Jean De BrayeResistance2013-05-266110.04%+0%0.00--
4Survie en BerryF18000 BourgesISC2011-02-1313320.01%+0%0.00--
10EdEn ToursF37000 ToursJokers2010-07-2420430.01%+0%0.00--
31FINALE EDEN 2013F18000 BourgesThe Horde2014-01-2632550.06%+0%0.00--
9Apocalypse à l'escargot RougeF18000 BourgesMatriarchy2010-11-2012300.01%+0%0.00--
13Eden à ChartresF28000 ChartresISC2011-03-2616370.01%+0%0.00--
Additional ETR-placements:
* 6. Place in the DMH-ranking of Europe
* 7. Place in the Tnk-ranking of Europe
* 10. Place in the DB-ranking of Europe
* 13. Place in the Alk-ranking of Europe
* 54. Place in the SAGA-ranking of Europe
* 75. Place in the HD-ranking of Europe
* 86. Place in the KoW-ranking of Europe
* 180. Place in the Brisk-ranking of Europe
* 1080. Place in the SWL-ranking of Europe
* 4563. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
* 1. Place in the DB-ranking of FFrance
* 6. Place in the DMH-ranking of FFrance
* 7. Place in the Tnk-ranking of FFrance
* 13. Place in the Alk-ranking of FFrance
* 14. Place in the EDEN-ranking of FFrance
* 14. Place in the SAGA-ranking of FFrance
* 56. Place in the KoW-ranking of FFrance
* 75. Place in the HD-ranking of FFrance
* 173. Place in the Brisk-ranking of FFrance
* 505. Place in the SWL-ranking of FFrance
* 1712. Place in the XWING-ranking of FFrance
Player's awards:
* Kilt et tronçonneuse: Bataille en terre Ecossaise: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - A la recherche du papier toilette perdu...
* FINALE EDEN 2013: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - propagande MIA
* Eden à Orleans: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - J'ai perdu ma voiture !
* 8éme open du centre - Retour vers le Ludique #4: player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
* 9eme open region centre - retour vers le ludique #6: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - le plus négligent
* 10 ème open du centre Eden au muton noir: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - les invaincus
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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