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ETR - Tournament Results - Fast and Furious 35pts Jeudi 12 Avril 2018

1.Quentin aka "Aspha"FParisProtectorate of Menoth
2.Tisserant aka "TheLazyHase"FEvryThe Skorne
3.Sébastien aka "MetalBeerSolid"FL'Haÿ Les RosesLegion of Everblight
5.David aka "Krador"FMassyKhador
7.Félix aka "Fefex14"FParisCygnar
9.Jean-Loup aka "Largoo"FMeudonCygnar
10.Antoine aka "alphatoine"FParisCryx
11.Sébastien aka "le_morti"FLevallois-PerretLegion of Everblight
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